Due to the harmful effects created by the traumatic experience of being bullied some victims have a hard time recovering from the said situation. They are greatly affected not only socially but mentally, emotionally and personally as well. Some even have the psychotic tendency of retreating to their personal haven because of the fear that they will again be experiencing the traumatic experience.
Mostly these victims are so affected that their self-esteem suffers great damage affecting the way they communicate and coordinate with his/her surroundings thus making him/her vulnerable. Because of this many therapies and treatments are specially developed in order for these victims to cope up with the situation and save the depreciated self-respect and self-esteem for themselves that is necessary to or them to live a normal and fulfilling life.
These therapies and treatments are not only for the victims but for the bullies themselves who may have problems with their own and their way of coping is through bullying. The therapies are as follows: A. Clinical Counseling * Is a rational, problem solving process to facilitate enlightened self-understanding * According to Edward Griffith Williamson (1950), people who undertake clinical counseling are rational beings who can think and use science for further self-development and progress. They are the people who are born with the mentality that they can attain a meaningful life by seeking what is good and controlling (if not rejecting) what is evil. By utilization of personal abilities they have the capability of solving problems but nevertheless, needs others to achieve full humane development. However as this kind of people both has the potential for good and evil and if evil is left uncheck can be incapable of developing autonomously and problems can arise. * This kind of treatment aims to help clients to modify subjective and erroneous self-appraisal of potentialities,