Teenage grew up through the forcible ideological world and their writing is affected by these hidden forces, too. One of the novel series written by a fifteen-year-old boy is Inheritance Cycle which can be compared to Crisseda Cowell’s How to Train Your Dragon. The content, genre and narration of these books are almost analogous and it makes possible to review the efficacy of the writer’s age to use the ideology in their narration. 1.3. Significance of the Study Literature has a significant role in everybody’s attitudes towards life. According to Peter Hollindale in signs of childness in children’s book the quality of a good writing is measured by filling the gap which is existed between the writer and the audience. The world of childhood can ‘enrich and diversify’ the sense of childhood. Reading books can be a way to expand the world of children by disposing them to the unknown dimension of childhood, which can be discovered by the imagination presents in fantasy. He believes that nothing can be a substitution for the book. Ideology has an innovative and progressive alteration in interpretation and reflection of the literature on the properties of children’s literature since 1970s onward (Joosen and Vloeberghs). All the texts are effected
Teenage grew up through the forcible ideological world and their writing is affected by these hidden forces, too. One of the novel series written by a fifteen-year-old boy is Inheritance Cycle which can be compared to Crisseda Cowell’s How to Train Your Dragon. The content, genre and narration of these books are almost analogous and it makes possible to review the efficacy of the writer’s age to use the ideology in their narration. 1.3. Significance of the Study Literature has a significant role in everybody’s attitudes towards life. According to Peter Hollindale in signs of childness in children’s book the quality of a good writing is measured by filling the gap which is existed between the writer and the audience. The world of childhood can ‘enrich and diversify’ the sense of childhood. Reading books can be a way to expand the world of children by disposing them to the unknown dimension of childhood, which can be discovered by the imagination presents in fantasy. He believes that nothing can be a substitution for the book. Ideology has an innovative and progressive alteration in interpretation and reflection of the literature on the properties of children’s literature since 1970s onward (Joosen and Vloeberghs). All the texts are effected