1. Lower than normal Hematocrit indicates Anemia. Hematocrit does not have enough Hemoglobin which is an oxygen carrying protein in red blood cells that results in having Iron, B12 and Folic Acid deficiencies. The main causes of developing Anemia include: medications and pregnancy, but the more serious causes include: kidney disease and cancer of the kidney, also leukemia and lymphoma.…
Staged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, There Will Be Blood is a film about a power-hungry oilman’s immense greed for money and what he is willing to do to make his fortune. There Will Be Blood was directed by Paul Thomas Anderson and first premiered on December 26th, 2007. Upon learning the town of Little Boston is rich in oil, Daniel Plainview makes a proposition to benefit the town and its citizens in return for drilling the ocean of oil beneath the town. After he begins drilling the oil, there is a horrific gas explosion that permanently deafens his adoptive son, H.W. Instead of taking care of H.W., Daniel watches the oil well burn. Throughout the movie, a money-grubbing priest known as Eli Sunday consistently…
The film “There Will Be Blood: is a movie about Daniel Plainview and his struggle to become a self-proclaimed oilman. In the film, Daniel is at war with mother earth in the fight for black gold. Throughout the movie, his ongoing battle alters his life in countless ways. It changes his family, friends and his frame of mind. In the film, there is an underlying theme of the struggle of drilling for oil. This theme alters several concepts throughout the film like plot, and the characters. I want to look at how these situations play out in the movie and their importance to the story. We will look at how Daniel forced his will on and how the Natural world fought back. Lastly, we will discuss the impact that this had on his life.…
Is there any enlightenment in the film? Or are you walking away with any thoughts in a better way inspired by the film?…
“Dogma” (1999) by director Kevin Smith was the first feature from the indie director to stray from the path of silly diversions and idiosyncratic banters first set on by “Clerks” (1994) and “Mallrats” (1995) and focuses on the bigger issue of religion. The film follows two fallen angels: Loki and Bartleby on their journey back to heaven after being casted out by God. Their journey and its consequences are the foil the bring about the director’s interpretations and attitudes toward Catholicism and religion in general. Although primarily a comedy, the film attempts to convey many religious issues; morality and state of the church in the secular world being the most prominent ones.…
The movie does have strong relations to the characters in the Bible. Let's start with the most obvious of characters; Donnie is a Christ figure. At the climax of the film, Donnie, having seen through a portal to the future (the 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds in which most of the movie takes place), decides to stay in bed even though he knows the jet engine is headed straight for him. Donnie embraces certain death, knowing that he is saving the lives of people, even Jim Cunningham. Other characters receive "salvation", namely his future girlfriend Gretchen. He makes this self-sacrifice just as Jesus did, when he did not have to.…
Our purpose, as a Christian, is to worship and glorify God. We are to live as close to Christ-like as we can and we are to tell others the Gospel so they can make the decision to follow God also. In this essay, I will be discussing the movie The Book of Eli, the worldview of the characters and if they stayed true to them, the obstacles that may have deterred them and my reactions to the movie.…
Violence is a central theme in the play. Discuss this theme with close reference to the play. (20)…
In conclusion there were many alterations that DreamWorks did to the film so that it may be more cinematic, which some feel it is still wrong to change the Word of God. Although it is a good film of fiction, I believe that the bible is the one version that we should study and not a Hollywood…
There is no denying that Christianity is symbolized in the film. In fact it would be difficult for any person familiar with Christian beliefs to overlook this, even on their first viewing. Christianity is one of the predominant religions in the United States, so it is not surprising that many discussions on the film relate to it. Many devout followers dismiss any idea that the film is not a Christian movie, and with good reason.…
The movie is very disturbing. The idea that humans are food for other humans strikes the wrong cord in the reader, as it should. That is the author’s intention. The movie and the story are made to provoke a viewer to think about different perspectives. The one that stuck with me the most is Euthanasia. I disagree with the author’s inedited meaning. Personally I feel that euthanasia should be allowed. Not out of necessity but because people should not suffer.…
Whenever there is any type of religion incorporated into a movie there is always going to be some type of controversy because religion is one of those topics where everyone is going to have their own opinions. The controversial part is that Eli has been reading the Bible every night for thirty years, and he ruthlessly kills people. There is a difference between self-defense and being a murderer, but when Eli is surrounded in a battle he kills every single bandit; even if they are on the ground in pain with their hand chopped off. One would think that someone with a Bible would be more of a holy person and let people live, but according to “The Book of Eli” it is okay to carry around a Bible and quote scripture while killing people just because they threaten you. The Hughes brothers tried to avoid spiritual conflict by not specifically saying that the book that Eli is carrying is a Bible and that the voice that talks to Eli is God, but even a blind man can see through that scheme. The Hughes brothers would have came out better by making the book a dictionary or an encyclopedia, and instead of having an “imaginary voice” they should have incorporated a witch that tells Eli his…
There Will Be Blood is a historical drama written and directed by P.T Anderson. The film explores themes of ambition, loneliness, lust for power, false personas, hatred, lack of faith, mistrust and loss of humanity. Anderson explores these themes through the characters of Daniel Plainview and Eli Sunday. In addition to character exploration, Anderson uses a variety of cinematic techniques in order to subtextually portray these themes. These techniques include, contrasting lighting, long shots, wide angles and mis en scene. The first themes to be explored in There Will Be Blood are ambition and loneliness. The film begins with a wide shot of a vast and open terrain. This signifies the emptiness of our setting. We meet the character of Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day Lewis) deep below the ground in a mining shaft. Plainview is working in absolute darkness. This could be symbolic of Plainview’s current economic or social position. However, his loneliness and labor is a product of his ambition and lust for power. This ambition is visually revealed to us when Plainview climbs out of his mine and makes his way into town to sell his silver. All of this is done with a broken leg. This ascension out of the darkness of the shaft is visually symbolic of Plainview’s path to power. Plainview begins drilling for oil and becomes a more powerful figure. God like imagery is now associated with Plainview in order to visually portray this power. For example, pools of light gather behind Daniel’s head as he looks down into an oil rig. This makes him appear to be holy…
The movie has other spiritual allusions, such as scenes shot in a Catholic hospital. But this is not a film with a Christian message. Its…
An example of this is an inmate, Tiffany Doggett, she was arrested for shooting a nurse in an abortion clinic after she ‘disrespected’ Doggett for having a fifth abortion. “They should give you a loyalty card, 5 stamps and the next ones free.” When Doggett arrives to her trial after the shooting there are hordes of religious protesters there to support her, because they believe she is doing the lord's work by killing an abortion worker. Stunned with the support from the abortion protestors, she turns to religion. I found this showed me more about the world in the sense that it conveyed the different ways and reasons why people turn to religion. Throughout the rest of the series, Doggett preaches the word of the lord, and at several points believes that god is helping her to heal people because of her faith. This shows the lengths that people go when they believe in something, and how religion can blind people to the truth, because they can be too caught up on what they have faith…