-Stimulus modality: sensation it produces
Thermoreceptors: heat and cold.
Photoreceptors: eyes, light.
Chemoreceptors: chemicals, odors, taste, body fluid composition.
Nociceptors: pain receptors.
Mechanoreceptors: hearing, physical deformation of a cell or tissue caused by vibration, touch, pressure and stretch.
-Origin of the stimulus
Exteroceptors: sense stimuli external to the boy. They include the receptors for vision, hearing, taste, cutaneous sensation heat.
Interoceptors: detect stimulus in the internal organs such as stomach, intestine, and bladder, produce feelings pain and nausea.
Proprioceptors: sense the position and movements of the body parts. They occur in muscle, tendons, and joint capsule.
-By distribution
General (somesthetic) senses: widely distributed, simple in structure. We do not perceive consciously such as blood pressure.
Special senses: limited to the head- are inverted in the cranial nerves. Vision, hearing, equilibrium, taste, and smell.
Bradykinin: most potent pain stimulus known. And promotes healing.
Neuropathy: sense of pain is lost due to the nerve damage.
Nociceptors do not occur in the brain and liver however they occur in the meninges. Dura, arachnoid,pia.
Histamine, prostaglandinds, and serotin also stimulate nociceptors. NEUROTRANSMITTERS.
Analgesic- pain-relieving. CNS has these. It is tied to ---- opium, morphine, and heroin in the brain.
Endogenous opioids- internaly produce opiumlike substance, endorphins, dynorphins, enkephalins Produce feelings of pleasure.
Taste(Gustation) and Smell (olfaction)
Filiform papillae: no taste buds, tiny spikes, food texture. Vallate papillae- contain half of all taste buds. Foliate papillae-no taste buds, form parallel bridges on the sides of the tongue. Fungiform papillae- like mushrooms, each has about three taste buds, located on the apex.
Supporting cells in taste buds are pseudostratified ciliated