The Athenians had their ideas about desirable heroic attributes and Theseus possessed two similar features as Herakles, whom the Greek world and in Athens hail as a magnificent hero; bravery and strength. However, Herakles possessed a bestial side 12. His physical strength could either be used to benefit mankind or in excess and violence that sometimes led to innocent bystanders being killed; such as his teacher, Linos 13 and his beloved nephew and sons 14. Similar to Heracles, Theseus displayed physical strength and courage from very early on in his childhood. According to Plutarch 15, when his mother, Aethra led him to the rock and explained to him that his father had left two tokens underneath it, Theseus lifted the rock with ease, displaying his physical strength. Next, despite Theseus’ grandfather, Pitthheus’ and his mother’s warnings about the dangers that lay with travelling over land, Theseus refused to journey by sea like a ‘fugitive’16. As Theseus greatly admired Herakles, he thought it humiliating if he could not emulate the feats of his cousin 17 proving a courageous mind. Theseus’ display
The Athenians had their ideas about desirable heroic attributes and Theseus possessed two similar features as Herakles, whom the Greek world and in Athens hail as a magnificent hero; bravery and strength. However, Herakles possessed a bestial side 12. His physical strength could either be used to benefit mankind or in excess and violence that sometimes led to innocent bystanders being killed; such as his teacher, Linos 13 and his beloved nephew and sons 14. Similar to Heracles, Theseus displayed physical strength and courage from very early on in his childhood. According to Plutarch 15, when his mother, Aethra led him to the rock and explained to him that his father had left two tokens underneath it, Theseus lifted the rock with ease, displaying his physical strength. Next, despite Theseus’ grandfather, Pitthheus’ and his mother’s warnings about the dangers that lay with travelling over land, Theseus refused to journey by sea like a ‘fugitive’16. As Theseus greatly admired Herakles, he thought it humiliating if he could not emulate the feats of his cousin 17 proving a courageous mind. Theseus’ display