June 2009
According to fry, Schools are faced with a myriad of problems never encountered in previous decades. Security has become a significant concern. It is now crucial that school administrators know who is in their schools and where the students are at all times. Accurate and auditable attendance and reporting is vital in not only securing, but also maintaining, essential governmental funding. Accurate identification and tracking of students is now critical in all aspects of the day-to-day management and
Administration of our schools. Biometric finger scanning identification offers a cost effective, reliable, easy and efficient way for school administrators to know for certain who is in their schools, where the students are each period of the day, and that they receive the services they require and deserve. By utilizing the unique fingerprint of the student for identification, tracking, and security, the problems and costs associated with the current expensive or inaccurate methods of identification are avoided. Finger scanning is the missing component that provides the irrefutable accuracy that has long been needed in our schools. Cost-effective biometric technology is here today with practical uses for schools. At identiMetrics, the leader in the development, integration and marketing of biometric student identity management solutions for schools, we provide finger scanning identification systems to schools and school districts worldwide, to make things work faster, safer, more reliably and efficiently. It’s just smart business!
Monitoring Attendance Using Biometric By :Henry Taub
February 2013
According to Henry Taub, biometrics is automated method of recognizing a person based on a physiological or behavioral characteristic. Examples of human traits used for biometric recognition include fingerprints, speech, face, retina, iris, handwritten signature, hand geometry, and wrist