A system which stores information from internal and external sources to facilitate better decision making. The data is collated in a database and the user can access the files to glean better information as a basis for decision. The system may include fiscal, social, economic, scientific or technical data geared to support a firm 's operations.
Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/electronic-information-system.html#ixzz2sQ9XBXHH
A classroom or schoolroom is a room dedicated primarily to teaching or learning activities. Classrooms are found in educational institutions of all kinds, including public and private schools, home schools, corporations, and religious and humanitarian organizations. The classroom attempts to provide a safe space where learning can take place uninterrupted by other distractions.
For lessons that require specific resources or a vocational approach different types of classrooms both indoors and outdoors are used. This allows for learning in an authentic context that fosters the natural development of the particular vocational skill.[1] This is known as situated learning. Classrooms can range from small groups of five or six to big classrooms with hundreds of students. A large class room is also called a lecture hall. A few examples of classrooms are computer labs which are used for IT lessons in schools, gymnasiums for sports, and science laboratories for biology, chemistry and physics. There are also small group classrooms where students learn in groups of about 7 or
A university classroom with permanently installed desk-chairs, green chalkboards, and an overhead projector.
Most classrooms have a large writing surface where the instructor or students can share notes with other members of the class. Traditionally, this was in the form of a blackboard but these are becoming less common in well-equipped schools because of new alternatives like flipcharts, whiteboards and
References: Chilikin, M. G. “Ispol’zovanie tekhnicheskikh sredstv v uchebnom protsesse.” Izvestiia vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii: Radiotekhnika, 1963, no. 4. Sbornik dokladov Moskovskogo energeticheskogo in-ta po voprosu ob effektivnykh metodakh obucheniia, parts 1–2. Moscow, 1966. Rostunov, T. I. Programmirovannoe obuchenie i obuchaiushchie mashiny. Kiev, 1967. IU. N. KUSHELEV, I. M. GLYZDOV, and V. N. ERMAKOV The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All right