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Things Fall Apart: the Depiction of Christianity in the Novel Perpetuates Ignorance as Much as the Word 'Tribe'

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Things Fall Apart: the Depiction of Christianity in the Novel Perpetuates Ignorance as Much as the Word 'Tribe'
“THINGS FALL APART” By Chinua Achebe “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe, was a terrific book because it elicited many emotions, from sympathy towards Okonkwo’s bitterness due to his childhood, intrigue of the customs I was unfamiliar with and anger towards the sacrifice of Ikemefuna. There is one thing that stood out most to me and therefore my focus is comparing the exploitation of religious systems, as explained in the book, by those in authoritative positions to rule how they saw fit. By breaking down the differences and similarities of both religions and using articles and journals to back up my stand, I would like to display that the depiction of Christianity as the source that tore the clans apart is only perpetuating prejudice and ignorance as much as the word ‘tribe’ does and only telling one very small side of the story of the deterioration of the African clans, lineages, cultures, beliefs and ways of life. The particular religious practices of the Ibo people of Umuofia are focused on respecting and praying to their ancestors for life, health, protection and sacrificing to different gods for fear of over worrying the Master, “Our fathers knew that Chukwu was the Overlord” (181 Achebe). The Ibo people followed what they had been orally taught and passed down from their ancestors to lead a balanced way of life. This led to an order that maintained the peace and rule within their society. “Umuofia was feared by all its neighbors. It was powerful in war and magic, and its priests and medicine men were feared in all the surrounding country. Its most potent medicine was as old as the clan itself.” (11 Achebe) Because of their practices and beliefs, Umuofia established power and prestige throughout the region. They were regarded as mighty warriors, feared, and neighboring clans knew not to test or go to war with them because of their ‘agadi-nwayi’ whose shrine was located in the center of Umuofia. In order to follow the strict practices and respect for their gods and ancestors, the elders kept the control within their community. The way things were done, gods respected and sacrifices made, allowed for punishment to be handed down if someone didn’t follow the rules. For example, when Okonkwo accidentally killed a young boy at the funeral, he had to sacrifice his land and move away for a designated amount of time. When a neighboring clansman killed a daughter of Umuofia the price was either war or two living sacrifices, one of a virgin girl to replace the dead wife and the other a young boy named Ikemefuna. When the Oracle of the Hills and the Caves pronounced the death of Ikemefuna after three years of living with Okonkwo’s family, in my western mind, there is no rhyme or reason behind a killing in this manner, especially after being integrated into the clan and their ways. He is as much a victim as the Umuofian woman, but in order to keep the balance and law of Umuofia, or any people for that matter, customs and rules must be followed. “The world has no end, and what is good among one people is an abomination with others.” (141 Achebe) So too, the British Colonials with their Christian Missionaries had customs and rules. The missionaries believed that there is one Master like the Ibo, but call Him by a different name. They also believed that in order to get to Him one must first go to another ‘god’ and there is an interconnection between the Master and the others, but the Christians call it the Holy Trinity; God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The most significant difference lies in the belief that a man named Jesu Kristi (as stated in the book) died for our sins so that we wouldn’t have to make the sacrifices of life, both human and animal, because He was the ultimate sacrifice. Within this ultimate sacrifice came the acceptance of naturally sinful man and forgiveness regardless of one’s past, as long as Jesus was acknowledged as the Son of God. The missionaries preached that all men were created equal under God and saved when they took this oath. The Umuofians on the other hand took the stand that not all men were equal and some had to be out casted, “a thing set apart—a taboo forever and his children after him” (156 Achebe). Those considered an abomination to the earth could not be buried in the land so they had to be thrown into the Evil Forest to perish, from live twin babies to those with infirmities not understood. Titles also held a big significance for the Ibo and that is where the missionaries were able to come in and easily rip apart the already frail and torn cloth that was the clan. “None of the missionaries’ converts was a man whose word was heeded in the assembly of the people. None of them was a man of title. They were mostly the kind of people that were called efulefu, worthless, empty men.” (143 Achebe) When the missionaries established their place of worship, “These outcasts, seeing that the new religion welcomed twins and such abominations, thought that it was possible that they would also be received.” (155 Achebe) Along with this acceptance of the unwanted, the missionaries passed on their beliefs through a book in contrast to the oral tradition of the Ibo. To learn the doctrine in this book, they set up schools and begged families to send their children there to learn the new practices of reading and writing. Mr. Brown encouraged them by giving gifts and emphasized that those who understood this way of life would rule in the future. Religion, education and most importantly power went hand in hand. The white man’s medicine proved to be stronger than that of Umuofia’s. Just as it answered “a vague and persistent question that haunted his (Nwoye’s) young soul—the question of the twins crying in the bush and the question of Ikemefuna who was killed.” the missionaries brought “a relief within as the hymns poured into his (their) parched soul(s).” (147 Achebe) Regardless of the weakness or strength of this ‘medicine’, the invasion of the white man’s religion could not have happened had there been unity and a bonded community in Umuofia or any clan in Africa for that matter. Taking it one step further, the breakdown of Umuofia in this book could have been caused by any other belief system that was bigger, stronger or offered new and enticing benefits versus what was already in place. Take for example the Islam religion. Today, it is the major religion of Africa, followed by Christianity. As Hassan explains in the article ‘Islam in Africa’, “During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the consolidation of Muslim trading networks, connected by lineage, trade, and Sufi brotherhoods, had reached a crescendo in West Africa, enabling Muslims to wield tremendous political influence and power. Similarly, from the East African coast, Islam made its way inland. This expansion of Islam in Africa not only led to the formation of new communities, but it also reconfigured existing communities and empires based on Islamic models.” I would like to take this moment to state that I do not agree with the way the missionaries went about their work entrusting the Queen and her messenger, the District Commissioner, to rule and judge how he saw fit. I can point out though that the deterioration or breaking apart of a people or culture cannot be solely blamed on Christian religion, the missionaries or even the white man, but man period! Throughout the centuries man has used different religions and shaped them to achieve personal goals of attaining power, privilege and prestige at any cost necessary. Unfortunately, this power can only be achieved in one way; and that is to take from the weak and passive and use them to attain that goal, even if it meant annihilation. In the article ‘Types of Slavery in Africa’ by Boddy-Evans, it clearly states that “what is certain is that Africans were subjected to several forms of slavery over the centuries, including chattel slavery under both the Muslims with the trans-Saharan slave trade, and the Europeans through the trans-Atlantic slave trade.”
Through establishing new beliefs and rules while undermining the old to establish power, man has abused and taken advantage of authority. When the District Commissioner arrested the six men, he explained to them the ‘advantages’ of the new system and why it needed to be followed; “We have brought a peaceful administration to you and your people so they may be happy. If any man ill-treats you we shall come to your rescue. But we will not allow you to ill-treat others. We have a court of law where we judge cases and administer justice just as it is done in my own country under a great queen…I have decided that you will pay a fine of 200 cowries…” The article by Boddy-Evans on ‘The Role of Islam in African Slavery Pt. 1’ backs up my point any new authority established decides rules and punishments to give them control. He explains that the “The Qur'an prescribes that free men could not be enslaved, and those faithful to foreign religions could live as protected persons, dhimmis, under Muslim rule (as long as they maintained payment of taxes called Kharaj and Jizya). However, the spread of the Islamic Empire resulted in a much harsher interpretation of the law. For example, if a dhimmis was unable to pay the taxes they could be enslaved, and people from outside the borders of the Islamic Empire were considered an acceptable source of slaves.” In conclusion, the way the word ‘tribe’ is used to perpetuate ignorance of Africa, its countries, cultures and customs within, so too do many examples, articles and books on the destruction of African clans, lineages and cultures perpetuate hate against a set of beliefs. Not only does it continue separation of the human race, but makes it easier to have prejudices against people with these beliefs by putting the Christian religion in the center of the deterioration. The emphasis of blame should be placed on man alone because all men that have had a hand in the slow but consistent breakdown of Africa, its resources and people have come from different religions (or none at all) and walks of life, including Africans themselves. The desire and greed of prosperity and power is what blinded them to the atrocious actions and crimes they were and still are committing.

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