Justin Foley, Alex Standall, Jessica Davis, Tyler Down, Courtney Crimsen, Marcus Cooley, Zach Dempsey, Ryan Shaver, Clay Jensen, Jenny Kurtz, Bryce Walker, Mr. Porter; all people listed on Hannah's tapes, all the people that connected to the issue's in which led to Hannah's suicide. Would Justin have affected Hannah's life the most? He was her first kiss, in a way he began everything. If not for Justin, the rumors about Hannah would not have started. Perhaps it was Marcus Cooley who impacted Hannah's life the most, And I couldn't look away as your fingertips caressed my knee...and started moving up (Page 142, Thirteen Reasons Why, Jay Asher), quotes Hannah Baker as Marcus moved his hand up her leg, the first person to ever do that do Hannah. Marcus touched Hannah in that way without her permission, without any sign of her wanting him to. Maybe it was Bryce Walker who held the most reason to why Hannah broke down, And then, just like
Justin Foley, Alex Standall, Jessica Davis, Tyler Down, Courtney Crimsen, Marcus Cooley, Zach Dempsey, Ryan Shaver, Clay Jensen, Jenny Kurtz, Bryce Walker, Mr. Porter; all people listed on Hannah's tapes, all the people that connected to the issue's in which led to Hannah's suicide. Would Justin have affected Hannah's life the most? He was her first kiss, in a way he began everything. If not for Justin, the rumors about Hannah would not have started. Perhaps it was Marcus Cooley who impacted Hannah's life the most, And I couldn't look away as your fingertips caressed my knee...and started moving up (Page 142, Thirteen Reasons Why, Jay Asher), quotes Hannah Baker as Marcus moved his hand up her leg, the first person to ever do that do Hannah. Marcus touched Hannah in that way without her permission, without any sign of her wanting him to. Maybe it was Bryce Walker who held the most reason to why Hannah broke down, And then, just like