Wallace Stevens’ Sunday Morning and Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird
The two poems, Sunday Morning and Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird, communicate part of the life story of the author and share reminiscent events in his life or the life of people he has known. The poems involve various themes as well… themes of love and women, for instance. One is in the first person, the other in third. Sunday Morning is a poem that includes many biblical references and references to nature, paradise, the sun, birds, and other objects. Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird is different to Sunday Morning because it is focuses on the blackbird as one of the main objects in the poem.
The art form of poetry can range from being simple to more complicated, depending on the author and …show more content…
context of the poem. Poetry also uses different kinds of forms and language, sometimes ambiguity, symbolism, irony, and other stylistic elements. For humans, poetry can have a major significance as it is used as a way of expression. Often times, writing or reading poetry can also allow us to emotionally respond to a feeling or event that was previously experienced at one point throughout the course of life.
For Tuesday, February 7
Short “Defense” of Poetry:
How Does Poetry Contribute to Our Well-Being as Humans and as a Society?
In today’s generation, it may not be as common for a majority of the population to think of poetry as something that is central to our culture.
However, in this short paragraph, I will defend the position of how poetry is very capable of being one of the most transformative arts that exists. Poetry is important, in fact, it is even more important than we think as it can literally save a life. Many writers often write as a way of expression, which benefits both a writer and a reader who connects with the text of a poet. A poet is able to make something personal universal by giving it meaning through their words. What poetry does to humans is it makes us think beyond the words of a poet and it makes us curious about the unending possibilities of what words or a specific type of language might represent. How poetry, then, might contribute to society is similar to the way in which it contributes to the well being of humans because poetry often takes us to places that create feeling for us. Poetry can put us in touch with the beauty of words. And even more, it can help us find our passions while at the same time leaving room for our individual healing of the