The first step is to call 9-1-1 immendiatley, minimize brain damage by getting the victim to medical care. The second step, is to check the time of when the first signs appeared. Because a physician can use that information to tell whether a clot busting drug can be given. The third step is to monitor the victims breathing, then begin CPR. The fourth step is, if the victim is not responding and breathing, then place the victim in the recovery position to help keep the airway open and to permit possible secretions and vomit to drain to the mouth. The fifth step is, if the victim is responsive, then get the victim in a comfortable position with the head elevated. Also, be sure that the victim doe snot exert himself or herself. The sixth step is to not give the victim anything to eat or drink. The seventh step is to make sure and keep the victim warm until the EMS…
The British Red Cross – Can be used as a resource for children’s first aid training. Staff may attend British Red Cross training days in order to plan and provide a safe environment. Once completing courses, staff will have an understanding and knowledge of what to do in a…
Life support refers to the emergency treatments and techniques performed in an emergency situation in order to support life after the failure of one or more vital organs. A patient requires life support when one or more vital organs fail, due to causes such as trauma, infection, cancer, heart attack, or chronic disease. Among the purposes of life support are: establishing and maintaining the ABC's of resuscitation (airway, breathing, and circulation), restoring the patient's homeostasis (the internal chemical and physiological balance of the body), and protecting the patient from complications of the underlying disease and its treatment (Morris, Stacey). Treatments of life support include: oxygen, intravenous (IV) fluids with sugar and salts,…
In conclusion, physicians should be allowed to help the terminally ill. Patients that are terminally ill will suffer terribly at the end of their life. They deserve to die with some dignity…
Bibliography: Advanced Paediatric Life Support Group (2005) Advanced Paediatric Life Support: the practical approach 4th edn. London: Wiley-Blackwell.…
Critical care is a specific care of patients whose situations is life- threatening and who need comprehensive care and continuous monitoring, typically in intensive care units. As cited in American association of critical-care nurses (2015), critical care settings are special areas of health care where patients require complex assessment, high-intensity therapies and interventions and advanced care quality from the health care personnel. Critical care nurses rely upon a specialized body of knowledge; skills and experience to provide care to patients and families and create environments that are healing, humane and caring.…
The first thing you need to know about how to carefully handle a baby, a fragile new life, is that always keep your sight on them. Do not dare get distracted because one minute, sixty seconds, does matter. For example, when I was about three years old, my mom was always busy juggling work and my baby brother who just started crawling. One day, my brother was crying so my mom picked him up while she was doing laundry. On her hip was my brother and in her hand was the basket full of clothes. She needed to put the clothes in the drawer so she sets my brother on the cabinet near her bed then suddenly the phone rings and she leaves to go grab it, meanwhile my brother sees his toy on the bed and decides to go grab that. He falls off the cabinet, which is much higher than the bed, hits his chin on the headboard and starts bleeding but he reaches his destination, his toy, so he doesn’t give a care about the pain. Mom comes back, not even noticing how he got on the bed, she picks up my brother and her eyes fix on the blood dripping…
According to, Sofaer & Schumann patient’s engagement is the involvement of an individual in their own care. This allows patients to make competent and well- informed decisions about their health.…
The aim of this essay is to explore evidence based nursing intervention in the care and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in an acutely ill patient. The acutely ill patient involved in this essay was admitted to hospital due to cerebrovascular accident and had a past medical history of myocardial Infarction, left Ventricular failure, peripheral vascular disease and duodenal ulcer as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This essay will provide a rationale for the chosen aspect of care (COPD) and reason will be given why it is a priority. In particular the essay will examine the significance of the underlying pathophysiology of the disease relating to the acutely ill patient other conditions. The nursing intervention will focus on the measures in order to manage the acutely ill patient experiencing breathlessness. The involvement of other members of the multidisciplinary team, some of the relevant drugs, the common test and investigations will discuss as a part of the nurse holistic care process.…
Paramedics work as independent and autonomous semi health care professionals within the Australian health care system, both within the rural and urban environments. Firstly with the ever evolving and expanding health care environment there has been a need to move from vocational training within ambulance centers to a university based undergraduate education system. Secondly, with the changing nature of a paramedics role and expectations from the community, paramedics are quickly being considered and developed into a health care professional. Thirdly paramedics who continue to train and engage in professional development while studying and on the job will have a direct and positive impact on patient outcomes. Furthermore having the ability to work independently and autonomously will allow for the continued development of the paramedic well into and beyond the 21st century. As a result, the use of undergraduate training, continued professional development and the move towards independent and autonomous work, paramedics of the 21st century will be soon considered health care professionals.…
Creed F and Spiers C (2011) Care of the Acutely Ill Adult – An Essential Guide for Nurses…
I’m going to start by defining CPD continuing professional development CPD is a process of lifelong learning for all individuals and teams which meets the needs of patients and delivers their health outcomes and healthcare priorities of the NHS which enables professionals to expand and fulfil their potential. CPD should meet the needs of both individual and organisation in which they work, it is in a partnership between the individual and the organisation, the main responsibilities for your development lies with you. CPD as part of your professional competence CPD is a range of activities which contribute to your development, one of which is CE Continuing Education this refers to traditional methods of learning such as study days, postgraduate courses e.g. diploma, structured reading. These methods of learning are still likely to feature within your CPD as it is general concept and can be used by everyone in the health and social care industry. As individual CPD consists of a way of working towards improvement, by professionals throughout their career and involves searching for…
When performing first aid on children and infants you would treat an infant if they are one an half years and under any child over this should be treated as a child and not as an infant this is because an infant's bones and…
Nurses knowledge is playing an important role on assess and identify critically ill patient. Ongoing specific clinically education and skills training enable nurses to recognize and respond to critically ill patient. The level of education was identified as an important predictor in ward nurses’ ability to quickly recognize patient deterioration (Massey at al., 2017).…
This paper will be discussing the controversial topic of life support. Should it be allowed, should it be mandatory for a period of time after pronounced brain death? Or should the person in question be made the sole decision maker in the event of there untimely death and if no prior decision is made they let the person die. These are the topics we will be discussing in this paper.…