then the king." The women think the archbishop should return to France & that he should remain their spiritual leader. However, in France he would be safe. The archbishop arrives and asks the women to remain in the city, as the priests start to drive out the women. Thomas tells his priests the difficulties he had faced on his journey, and that the rebel bishops and the barons had threatened to have his head.
They have sent spies and intercepted his letters. He had barely escaped with his life. The first tempter arrives to talk with Thomas about how to escape his present hardship. Thomas was told he needs to relax his severity and dignity, to be friendly, and to overlook uncouth principles. Then and only then will Thomas have the strength to give the tempter a promisingly strong refusal. The second tempter has reminded Thomas of his temporal power he has had as chancellor. He could be chancellor again and have ever lasting power. It is well known that the king only commands, where the chancellor can over rule the king and his duties. The third tempter presents an idea on overthrowing the king's rule. The fourth tempter shows Thomas how he could have eternal glory. "As archbishop, the time will come when men will neither respect or hate him. He will become history... Though, if Thomas continues in his present course, he will become a martyr and a saint... To forever dwell in the presence of god." On Christmas morning, Thomas preaches on peace, saying that, "Christ left people his peace but not peace as the world thinks of
it." After that Christmas, four knights come to Canterbury on the king's business. Refusing all of the hospitality, they begin to cite charges on Thomas. They are saying that he has been ignobly born, and that his eminence is due solely to King Henry’s favor. Though the priests and attendants protect him as the knights try to attack Thomas. The charges are rumored around the city and his sentencing is to leave the English soil. Thomas answers to France and states he would never leave England again. He had no dislike for the prince. He had only carried out the pope’s orders in not communicating with the bishops. In the cathedral, the knights fall on Thomas and kill him. The knights were banished and the king wanted Thomas to unite temporal and spiritual rule to the kingdom. Also, to bring order to a troubled kingdom, but as soon as Thomas was elevated. Thomas has become more priest like than the actual priests and then refused to follow the king’s orders. After the knights left, the priests are left to mourn for Thomas.