further their own needs. They are seen as rebellious in the eyes of other nations in Europe and that if they were independent the colonies would flourish economically. If they were to be kept under British rule the problems that they were facing would only get worse as time went by. I think that the pamphlet is called common sense in that a lot of Paine’s ideas were common to the colonist’s everyday life. The pamphlet was used to bring in educated people into independence talk as well as the uneducated people and by using simple words in the title and the rest of the pamphlet he had achieved his goal. He wanted them to want independence for themselves and that if they were to get their wish then they needed to take action instead of peacefully trying to find a solution.
further their own needs. They are seen as rebellious in the eyes of other nations in Europe and that if they were independent the colonies would flourish economically. If they were to be kept under British rule the problems that they were facing would only get worse as time went by. I think that the pamphlet is called common sense in that a lot of Paine’s ideas were common to the colonist’s everyday life. The pamphlet was used to bring in educated people into independence talk as well as the uneducated people and by using simple words in the title and the rest of the pamphlet he had achieved his goal. He wanted them to want independence for themselves and that if they were to get their wish then they needed to take action instead of peacefully trying to find a solution.