First, he will be placed in inpatient drug treatment program. While there he will be monitor and have checkups by the officer with both Mr. User and the facility to measure his progress. Second, after he completes the inpatient drug treatment program successfully, he will have a drug test administered weekly until the officer is satisfied with Mr. User’s compliance. Lastly, Mr. User will then be subject to random testing for a period of one year from the completion of the drug treatment program.
Mr. User’s has a need for mental evaluation. While assigned to the drug treatment program, a mental evaluation will be performed. A determination will be made by a Phycologist if Mr. User can in fact take care of himself. If it is determine that he cannot, he will be assigned to a mental institution for further medical treatment. If it is established that he can function as a successful member of society on his own accord, he will be assigned to an outpatient counselor for monitoring.
Mr. User’s has a need of higher education/vocational skills. If he is found to be mental capable of being a productive member in the community, then he must achieve some advanced learning that provides him with useful skills. Will recommend him to the states vocational rehabilitation; they can assist him in acquiring skills to find adequate employment. Periodic checkup on his progress will be conducted.
Christian World