Having established the good and bad years, the rainfall and runoff data of the good years were used to calibrate the IHACRES which was subsequently used to generate a better runoff data from measured rainfall values. Data input for IHACRES were rainfall, runoff and temperature. The PC-IHACRES version 1.03 was used in this work. And Table 5.30 gives the calibration parameters for each study basin.
Based on the parameters in Table 5.30, a Matlab code was written to simulate discharge data from measured rainfall and temperature data. The resultant data are shown in Tables 5.31 to 5.35 and the graphs are in Figures 5.26 to 5.30. The Figures show measured rainfall, measured flow and the simulated flows. The instrumental variable best suited for Asa and Gongola Rivers is the exponential store and instantaneous store in parallel. This means that both rivers has the tendency for some baseflow at the control points. The other rivers are best suited for a single exponential store. This means that there is very little evidence of baseflow at the control points. The structure and parameters of the linear module of the IHACRES are determined by the store configurations. One store represented ephemeral rivers without baseflow and two store are for rivers with both baseflow and