In the Movie Pleasantville, two teenagers are taken from a crazy lifestyle; they are teleported to a faraway place called Pleasantville. Where everything is picture perfect, the town where everybody is friendly and there are no dangerous things to be found. But a place where everything is perfect isn’t always the case. Things may seem perfect on the outside but are totally different on the inside of Pleasantville. Being perfect still has it drawback even in place where things seem to be cheerful and perfect. During their visit to Pleasantville they see three major themes; concept of change is one, the second theme is discrimination, and finally the third theme would be racial segregation.
Right off the bat you notice that when things aren’t done in the proper order it throws off everything off. In normal …show more content…
But then all of this unusual events started happening which is what didn’t help things too. Nobody likes changes and when something big happened people panic which makes things harder, people tend to forget the little details that make the situation a little less stressful and once people start to think again and they eventually realize that there were almost little hints that were telling them that something was going and on and that eventually it come when they least expected it. An example would at the end of the movie when Bud and Bill are in court. Bud gets right in the judges face and it asking him why he isn’t letting himself show what he is really feeling. Bud does what another person would do when they want the real truth not some excuse. The problem the whole time was that people were afraid to feel what they really felt. They feared that people would judge them all because they had a different view on the