student how to talk or to use their vocal cords accordingly. I was also shocked when I learned how the United States Sega grated black and white Deaf people from each other. This was information that I have never learned in history classes in grade school or in my college career. I was as well taken back when I learned that many Deaf people were ashamed or even scared to Sign in public back in the 1950’s and even earlier. I was shocked how people could of thought that Sign language was something that should not be done in public as if it was “weird” or “odd.” Due to this insecurity of signing, many people in the Deaf community would Sign below tables and their wastes to hide their so called shame. The film Through Deaf Eyes educated its audience extremely well about the Deaf culture and its people.
As stated before, not knowing anything about the Deaf culture I was committed to learning as much as I could through this short film to expand my knowledge in the Deaf culture. I learned through the film that people who are Deaf have absolutely no problem with not being able to hear and having to talk using Sign Language. The Deaf communities do not consider being Deaf as flawed or even disabled, but believe they were born Deaf for a reason. The Deaf communities consider Sign Language as their own culture or even heritage - just like any other heritage that may practice their own language with others of the same