Tigers Facing Extinction
April 7, 2013
Tigers Facing Extinction
3,000 a year, 250 a month, 3-7 a day; the tiger population is facing extinction and we are the reason. If it weren 't for us, the tigers would not go extinct much less be endangered. We don 't eat tigers so why are they so endangered?
"Of the eight original species of tigers, three have become extinct in the last 60 years, an average of one every 20 years" (http://www.tigersincrisis.com/). In the 1930 's the Bali tiger became extinct. In the 1970s, the Caspian tiger. And in the 1980 's, the Javan tiger.
The Reason Why
On the black market, tiger products cost a lot of money. And because of deforestation, the tigers loose their natural habitat which forces them to prey on animals such as livestock which leads to farmers having to kill the tigers to protect their livestock
Those Involved to Prevent Tiger Extinction
There are many tiger protection agencies but none is more dedicated than Panthera: Leaders in Wild Cat Conservation. June 2006, Panthera launched the Tigers Forever Program with the Wildlife Conservation Society because of the rapidly decreasing tiger population. The Tigers Forever team had a strategy; to figure out what had threatened tigers enough to decrease the population and how to stop it.
The program has a commitment that they have to "increase tiger numbers by at least 50% at key sites over a 10-year period by mitigating the most critical threats to tigers, and improving the effectiveness of conservation actions" (http://www.panthera.org/programs/tiger/save-tiger-fund). This great conservative program guarantees success for the wild tiger 's population recovery.
Why Should We Care?
Why should we care? Well, why shouldn 't we? I believe mankind has a duty to protect those who cannot protect itself. After our generation, there will be many more to come. In
Bibliography: "Panthera." Panthera. Web. 4 June 2012. . "Tiger Handbook." Tiger Handbook. Web. 5 June 2012. . "Tigers in Crisis - Information About Earth 's Endangered Tigers." Tigers in Crisis - Information About Earth 's Endangered Tigers. Web. 2 June 2012. .