Department of English
An Introduction and Syllabus for ENG368
Spring Semester 2014
Course number and title. ENG368, “Business and Organizational Writing.”
Professor. Dr. William B. Lalicker
Office hours and contact information. Office: Main 534. Office Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.; Tuesdays, 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.; and by appointment. Note that these hours may change due to meetings and other responsibilities; appointments are always wise, even during posted hours, for most timely attention. Telephones: 610.436.2822 (Department of English), 610.436.2268 (office), 610.918.9866 (home).
Website: Desire2Learn (D2L) course management system; access details to be discussed in class. Also, there may be an e-reserve site established by F. H. Green Library to facilitation distribution of electronic reserve materials that will supplement our class discussions; go to, click on Library, click on Reserves, click on Electronic Reserves, and access the website crosslisted under the course number and the professor’s name. The password will be provided in class.
Writing Emphasis goals. This course fulfills the requirements for the Writing Emphasis component of the WCU General Education curriculum. This course meets two General Education goals (linked to the Writing Emphasis component) that will help students learn to:
• Communicate effectively;
• Think critically and analytically.
Furthermore, students will be given opportunities to revise their writing with the benefit of feedback from the instructor and peers (see references to workshop drafts). You will note that the syllabus includes formal writing in the Project One, Two, and Three essays; informal impromptu writing in the Midterm Examination and essay question element; and informal writing in the Introductory Essay. You will note, also, that class time