When you think of the word perseverance and what a person had to do to succeed in their life who inspires you? I personally think of Tim Burton. I’ve always loved art as a youth. From stick figure drawings, origami, calligraphy, still life scenes, air brush art, acrylics and oil paint portraits. “My love of art as I remember”. I’ve always envisioned my work to be a lasting memory, a reflection of myself, a vision of community and my immediate surroundings. A story of love, laughter, pain, struggle, and triumph. To portray my artistic visuals in homes of friends, family and my church that I attend. A display of my works my passion and lust for life. Having …show more content…
talent is one thing, but having a degree behind it is another. I sought to receive formal education to back up my talents and aspirations. To become a professional in my line of work and refine skills of my craft. Planning specific goals and methods to achieve the reachable. There are many great artists in the industry today and the one I’ve chosen is (Tim Burton). Tim Burton a man of unique qualities. Such a man that started off with humble beginnings and I believe we have so much in common and that’s why he inspires me. A Burbank resident from a two parent home, one athletic and the other artist, added a different, but subtle approach to life as a young adolescent. Although the young Burton’s lifestyle growing up may seem a bit odd, it held true to his thoughts developing as an artist in the vast world of art, film, and stop motion animation. Seemingly normal in appearance to his peers and the encouragement of teacher Doris Adams, Burton was quiet soul and love to draw. As the young Burton matured, he attended (CALTECH) for two years studying character animation before taking a position as an apprentice at (Disney). Burton was headed off to a great start working for the animation giant as an animator, storyboard and concept artist. He soon ran into trouble at (Disney), after being there sometime. I discovered that he and other talented artist were not allowed to showcase their work getting anything made into production. Being new to the (Disney) family young Burton took his negative situation and made a positive one out of it. Tim Burton’s work went unnoticed for a long time but he stayed consistent and persistent and patiently waited for his opportunity to arise and that’s when his film “Vincent” caught the eye of (Warner Brothers) which allowed the young Burton to direct the feature film (Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure).
Having love and consistency of your craft at times when your work goes unnoticed, shows personal integrity, strong morals and work ethics which allowed him to stay professional and people admired his qualities. These attributes I will take in my career in the future as an animator myself. To practice due diligence to each task or project and carry it out with skill, grace, poise accurately with punctuality. His challenges to become more social, to relate his message, was a problem in his career in the beginning because it made it hard to communicate with his boss’ and production crews as well as others actors. Tim Burton worked very hard to overcome this problem to get in touch with his feelings and emotions and in return it improved his work and relationships, it made him more approachable and open to people and the way that he related to objects, not only did he create a cohesiveness, but how everything related to a universal scene. I admire that in him because I too am an introvert and it’s very hard for me to related and communicate with people. Tim Burton has shown me by applying myself and putting myself out there a little more, maybe making myself a little more vulnerable and
approachable will help me in my career because this line of work deals a lot with working with people. His career challenge as I research further is that there was too much conformity. Tim Burton was in the business of making a child or childlike animations and storytelling. His problem was making people see that vision although odd was still in line with what they wanted. Tim Burton worked very hard to help people reconnect with their inner child by showing his inner child to help people understand his vision and message. His relation to his childhood and how he relates his vision in his movies. I will also be taking that solution with me as well. I learned that people will not always understand my message or vision and I’ll need to come up creative ways to show them. Tim Burton dared us in our adult lives to remember the simple things in life that made us happy as children. I live my life now staying in touch with my inner child, in truthfulness and honesty, I don’t worry about what life does. With terrorism, human trafficking, racism, etc. All that is wrong with life, we need an outlet and we need people like myself to remind us of all that is well and good. Looking back on Tim Burton’s problems and how he made it through to succeed only solidifies my determination to be more open to people and ideas and to find the humor in life so I may improve my inner self which will project on to my work, to be a team player and to know when I need to the helper and not the leader to accomplish the common goals of projects. I believe by applying these skills will help me persevere in my life and in my career. I’m on my way to making my own mark in this world.