As I read an article written by Mr. Mathew J. Schwartz, dated March 12. 2012, for InformationWeek via, and ponder the strength of the subject matter discussed, I asked myself the question when does attack prevention begin? The question does present an abstract yet requires that careful thought be exercised when approaching information security breaches, and how to prevent attacks; a technological melancholy with very expensive associations.…
Computer Hacking in 1960’s up to 1970’s – an individual working with computers who were technically gifted and skilled it was defined by computer ethicist Duncan Langford (1995).…
During Week 2, our team focused our collaborative discussion on different technologies that businesses can use to prevent security breaches and reduce the risk of cyber-attacks they are increasingly experiencing. To aid in our discussion, team member, Jennifer Ashton, posted an article entitled “The Right Technology Fix Can Help Prevent Breaches”, written by author, Tim Horton. Mr. Horton’s article remarked on the rising number of data breaches, how often they affect small businesses, and measures that organizations can employ to avoid future intrusions.…
This article discusses Homeland Security's decision to renew Raytheon's contract as its cyber protector. In September Raytheon was picked as the main contractor for the Network Security Deployment division. This new contract is directly influenced by the companies new plans to prioritize cyber security as just last year the Office of Personnel Management was hacked, leaving data on 21.5 million people comprised. Moreover, in January of this year, a report on Homeland's cyber security admitted to limitations in ability to detect possible malware. Overall, cyber security is a controversial issue. An example of this is the debate surrounding the unlocking of a terrorist's iPhone in December, which Apple refused to do.…
Behaviour is, by definition, “everything an organism says and does” (Miltenberg, 2012). For example, if a person walked or an elephant slept, this would be considered behaviour. Skinner (1968) suggested that behaviour consists of both public and private events; this idea became classified as radical behaviourism. It has become a philosophy of the science of behaviour; an experimental analysis of behaviour that attempts to explain all behaviour, including private behaviour (Chiesa, 1994). The idea contrasted from the traditional methodological behaviourism of Watson (1913) and developed the empirical study of behavioural analysis.…
Who Are Hackers A Hacker 's Tools Of The Trade | Hackers | FRONTLINE | PBS. (n.d.).…
4. K. Himma. (2004). The Ethics of Tracing Hacker Attacks Through the Machines of Innocent Persons. International Journal of Information Ethics. vol. 2, pp. (4), p1-13.…
Malinowski, A. (2002, september). Journal of Advanced Nursing. Journal of Advance Nursing, 39(6), . Retrieved from…
Since the beginning of the internet new opportunities for criminal activities have increased significantly. Most of America’s government agencies, businesses, citizens, online businesses activities have been subjects of numerous attacks. America is dependent upon its computer networks to ensure operations of its infrastructure and national security. Many problems can be attributed to international crimes like the attack on the financial networks on September 11, 2008. This caused the fall of the stock market from anonymous people using naked shorts that are considered illegal today which was used to destroy our financial…
The use of information technology in business presents major security challenges, poses serious ethical question, and affects society in significant ways. Especially, the computer crime is a growing threat to society and is caused by the criminal or irresponsible actions of individuals who are taking advantage of the widespread use and vulnerability of computers and the Internet and other networks. It presents a major challenge to the integrity, safety, and survival of most business systems.…
Computers are used for many different types of personal and work related activities. Getting on the Internet and researching a topic for a college paper, researching types of flat screen televisions and their various prices, or what about getting on the computer and playing games, or using computers to watch movies and chat with friends and family. From a work standpoint, computers assist in processing orders, calculating and tracking numbers, manufacturing vehicles, sending email, and literally millions of other computer related activities. But, what if computers were used to copy Microsoft’s Office software applications and sell them at 60% cost on the black market? What if computers were used to login to accounts that weren’t the owners and take unauthorized data to sell for identify theft purposes? What if computers were used to hack into databases and “borrowed” data that then provided “insider information” that endowed an unprecedented stock gain for Members of the Board of Directors? These examples would mean that computers were being used for cyber-crimes. There are four primary categories of these types of cyber-crimes that will be the focus of this research paper.…
“Tuesdays with Morrie”, written by Mitch Albom is a story of the love between a man and his college professor, Morrie Schwartz. This true story captures the compassion and wisdom of a man who only knew good and thought good in his heart. A man who lived his life to the fullest up until the very last breath of his happily fulfilled life. It is a story of a special bond of friendship that was lost for many years, but never forgotten and simply picked up again at a crucial time of both Morrie’s and Mitch’s lives. When Morrie learned that he had only a few months to live with the deadly disease of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, Morrie began the last class of his life with Mitch – life’s greatest lesson. Throughout the last fourteen weeks of Morrie’s life, Mitch met with him every Tuesday to learn and understand all of the wisdom and lessons of life that were within Morrie. The weekly routine consisted of lunch and lecture, these meetings included discussions on everything from the world when you enter it to the world when you say goodbye. From the relationship that these men had with each, a love is revealed like no other love resembles. This is a love of friendship and of respect. Such a bond between people is difficult to achieve. Their relationship consists of an “unembarrassed love” that is constantly present, Morrie Schwartz was a man of great wisdom who loved and enjoyed to see and experience a simplicity of life, something beyond life’s most challenging and unanswered mysteries. From Morrie, we learn that life is most happily experienced when enjoyed and fulfilled to the max. Morrie shares this with Mitch in the last days of his life and these great lessons will be carried and practiced throughout Mitch’s life. What I learned that was new for me, after reading Tuesdays with Morrie I felt a sense of discovery. Morrie Schwartz was a man that touched the lives of many. He will always be remembered for his sincerity and his…
Due to the advance technology of the Internet, the government, private industry and the everyday computer user have fears of their data or private information being comprised by a criminal hacker. C.C. Palmer, who manages the Network Security and Cryptography department at the IBM. Thomas J. Watson Research Center writes, “They are afraid that some hacker will break into their Web server and replace their logo with pornography, read their e-mail, steal their credit card number from an on-line shopping site, or implant software that will secretly transmit their organization’s secrets to the open Internet”. This hacking is not only widespread, but is being executed so flawlessly that the attackers compromise a system, steal everything…
But with all the good that comes from information technology there is also bad. The internet has also become a gateway for hackers to wreak havoc. In a nutshell, cyber-crime has become a headache in the 21st century because one individual can remotely attack any online system from any corner of the world crippling many economic developments. Even before the federal government can come up with effective ways of protecting its citizen from cyber-crime vulnerability, a new problem which can bring about devastating effects of equal measure has emerged. One such problem is the vulnerability of the nation’s power grid. The government had turned all of its attention to measures of countering cyber terrorism to an extent that it forgot that physical attacks on sources of power, which run these systems, could also bring equally devastating effects (Besanger et al 2013).…
Lysecky, Sarah. Listen up and listen in. (September 12, 2006). Retrieved from September 23, 2006…