TACC403 - Accounting Information Systems
Individual Assignment
Semester 1, 2014
Total Marks: 25% of total marks for TCC403
Due Date: Week 10
Student Name: Siyi Wang
Student ID: 20142321
Introduction 2
Discussion 2
Q1. 2
Q2. 3
Q3. 3
Q4 4
Q5. 4
Q6. 5
Q7. 6
Conclusion and Recommendation 8
References: 8
Small businesses occupy a very important place in the economy. These businesses face many of the same problems such as lacking computer experience and do not have sufficient internal computer expertise and decisions as big firms but without the benefit of staff expertise and multiple managerial level. Thus, the top manager or managers must shoulder a much broader decision making burden both horizontally (marketing, production, finance) and vertically (strategic planning, management control, operations control). As a consequence, information systems to support managerial decisions should be as important, if not more, to the small business manager as to his larger firm counterpart.
In this case, RTE, as a small business, need a help for information systems, and what we do is discussion their requirements.
1) Information system is made by hardware, software, infrastructure and trained personnel organized to facilitate planning, control, coordination, and decision making in an organization.
2) Information systems (also known as work systems) are machines such as computers that are run by people. These human-run machines are used in order to communicate with external people outside of the office (such as customers) via phone calls, text messages and emails.
3) The benefits of managing information systems in a business environment have changed over the years mainly because the focus itself has changed. RTE, as an economy of business, have gone from systems that dealt mainly in data processing and watched these systems forge into management reporting,
References: 1. Azadi, Siamak Rahimzadeh, Elham. (2012). DEVELOPING MARKETING STRATEGY FOR ELECTRONIC BUSINESS BY USING MCCARTHY 'S FOUR MARKETING MIX MODEL AND PORTER 'S FIVE COMPETITIVE FORCES.EMAJ: Emerging Markets Journal. Vol. 2 Issue 2, preceding p47-58. 13p. (1), p48. (http://emaj.pitt.edu) 2. Edwards, S. W. (April, 1979). Differing Perceptions of Small Business Problems. American Journal of Small Business. 3 (3), 1-14. 3. Urban, G.L. . (May, 1974). Building Models for Decision Makers. Interfaces. 4. K. Himma. (2004). The Ethics of Tracing Hacker Attacks Through the Machines of Innocent Persons. International Journal of Information Ethics. vol. 2, pp. (4), p1-13. 5. Levy, Yair Ramim, Michelle M. Hackney, Raymond A. (Spring2013). ASSESSING ETHICAL SEVERITY OF e-LEARNING SYSTEMS SECURITY ATTACKS. Journal of Computer Information Systems. Vol. 53 Issue 3, p75-84. 10p (6), p75-84. 6. Jokela, P., P. Karlsudd and M. Östlund (2008). "Theory, Method and Tools for Evaluation Using a Systems-based approach." The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation 11(3): 197-212. 7. Goldkuhl, G. and A. Röstlinger (2005). Change Analysis – Innovation and Evolution. Invited paper to the 14th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD), Karlstad, Sweden. 8. Wilson, M. and D. Howcroft (2005). "Power, politics and persuasion in IS evaluation: a focus on „relevant social groups‟ " The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 14(1): 17-43.