One of the dominating aesthetic choices in this preformance was lighting. Since it was a one-man show, there was little room for various special effects. But I noticed how the lighting would change whenever Tim would move on to a different story, or when it would become more suspenseful. For instance, the more emotionally-heavy stories Tim would tell would be eclipsed by a darker, more gloomy type of lighting. The change in lighting definitely made me pay more attention. …show more content…
I thought of a large cast involving costume changes, intricate special effects, and dramatc endings. But Tim Millers monologue was more than just that, it was a preformance that displayed emotion and told a story, by his movements and speech. The way he told his stories, there was a rhytmic aspect to it all. He would yell out a certain word when he would transition to the next story, and his fast paced talking made you pay attention to them. Also, I never thought about how lighting could play such a huge part in a preformance. One thing I noticed was that when the stories got more suspenseful, the lighting changed accordingly, sort of creating the mood inside of the