Title:Bright Court (summary of the book) book title: All-Bright Court by Connie Rose Porter
All Bright CourtDuring great migration many blacks moved form south to Northern parts of the united states. Looking for better and fruitful life they brought hopes and dreams in their minds. "All bright court" by Ms. Porter illustrates this trend of blacks moving towards North. In the story in the upstate New York mill town of Lackawanna, the company-built housing project known as All-Bright Court. Originally it was built for the Polish, Italian, German and Russian immigrants who came to start a new life in America. The same housing was handed down to the black workers. The date was around 1955 and It was phase of great migration from south to north. Many men and their families have migrated here from the South. The political and economic reasons created push factors from south to the north. The poor economic situation and structural racism in south and the stories of homes with gas stoves and indoor plumbing along with the promises of jobs and opportunities worked as great push and pull factors.
This project represents everything its residents have dreamed of about jobs, freedom, and a future. The outcome was totally different what those who migrated here dream about. The backs who move to the housing project see new light of hope about the future. Porter in her book tells how people hoped about North to be different than what they have experienced in the south. The characters talk about the freedom and equality they see in North. The incidents like blacks and whites eating together in the dinner fills migrated blacks with hope for equal opportunities in life. But the story of hopes and better future gets a different turn.
The cast in the story is interracial and lives through the Kennedy years to the uncertainty afterward. book mainly is a tale of a black family living in the urban North. Story starts with a character called Samuel who is an orphan who worked in a restaurant and then goes to the north. Samuel is aware of his identity and doest want his son to