Example: Theory of mind
Block 2, Unit 1 – Psychology
I have chosen to write my essay on theory of mind, because I found it interesting to see how a mind of a child develops an understanding of other peoples emotions and train of thought. My second topic is role play as this shows how a child builds relationships with family and friends.
(Wimmer and Perner, 1983) carried out a classic psychological study. The experiment involved the use of two dolls, one called Sally and the other called Anne. In the experiment, Sally had a basket and a marble, while Anne had a box. Sally put the marble in the basket and left the room, during this time Anne placed the marble in the box. Sally returned and wanted her marble.
A younger child aged upto 3 years old witnessed what had happened and was asked where would Sally look for her marble? Being so young the witness was only able to answer from their own perspective and answered the marble would be in the box, whereas an older child witness who is more aware of other peoples perspectives answered that Sally would look in the basket as this is where Sally had placed it, this shows the older child is developing theory of mind.
Slightly older children who are aware of others thoughts and feelings are likely to engage in role play and are able to interact together, this is the development of theory of mind. It has also been recognised during role play, girls are more likely to take on roles such as mummy, playing house – carrying out chores such as ironing or washing up. This was shown in the module video online. The boys tended to stand around not really interacting with any of these roles.
It is not coincidental that during role play roles tend to be gender based, whether the child was brought up in a traditional or non-traditional household. Even when children were encouraged to play non-stereotypical gender roles, boys still tended to play firemen, or soldiers and girls – nurses or mummies, even if their