At the age of four, children should be starting to gain confidence in their social development as they start to make friends and play with other children through nursery or day care. They are starting to explore friendships and new ways of playing; ‘Four-year-olds can usually play happily with other children. Your child is learning to understand about the feelings and needs of others’ – (http://www.markedbyteachers.com).
Children may be openly affectionate to the people they feel close to – friends, family and careers, being able to communicate with others more effectively then before is a huge step in social development, understanding knew words and meanings which means they can have conversations understanding what is being said and what they are talking about to a certain extent, this is great for making and understanding jokes from children of their age, and having age appropriate conversations and games with peers ‘Most children will:…play with other children, mostly pretend play.’ – (pg. 43, Tassoni, 2007). Children may be learning to help and want to please adults by contributing to what someone may be doing for example if a mother is hovering a child may ask to help or have a turn on the hoover, the child may be given tasks to contribute to the hovering like picking up little objects, lifting feet and moving things. As children at this age often crave adult approval and encouragement in what they are doing.
At the age of five years old, after most children have been at nursery or day care, children understand how to be social, acceptable social behaviors, they have an understanding of others – emotions, behaviour and social expectancies. Children are often willing to ‘start playing cooperatively with others, take turns and share’ – (http://www.aboutkidshealth.ca). Some children may start to develop close friendships but often start to play with children of their own genders which could help towards their understanding of gender
Bibliography: * http://www.markedbyteachers.com/gcse/health-and-social-care/describe-the-expected-stage-of-social-development-of-children-aged-4-years.html * CACHE, LEVEL 2, Childcare and Education, Penny Tassoni, 2007. * http://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/En/HealthAZ/DevelopmentalStages/SchoolAgeChildren/Pages/Social-and-Emotional-Development.aspx * http://www.cyh.com/ * http://www.experts123.com/q/how-can-snack-and-mealtimes-support-childrens-social-development.html * Children 's Care, Learning and Development Candidate Handbook By Penny Tassoni, Kath Bulman, 2005 * http://www.blurtit.com/