As soon as children start to interact with peers, aside from their parents, that go through many play stages: unoccupied behavior, onlooker behavior, solidary independent play, parallel play, associative play, and cooperative play. These stages start with them not playing, but observing, move to solely alone and eventually moves to them playing and cooperating with their peers. Through these stages of playing they have to experience acceptance as well as peer rejection, and different children will react differently to these depending on their level of rejection sensitivity.
I believe that just as we are born with a natural temperament, we are born with a natural temperament that we use when communicating with others. Based on our temperament, and a mix of our observations of other people communicating, we learn how we should communicate socially.
Along with most things, I feel that there are some similarities and differences in how we learn socially versus how we learn about the physical world. I believe that we learn about the physical world more by experimenting things and slightly on observing others. On the other hand, I believe that social learning is more learning through observing and slightly on experimenting. I feel that learning about the physical world is more about learning for your own knowledge, but social learning is about learning about yourself