Explain how emerging Adults make the transition to higher education and work (Papalia, Feldman, & Martorell, 2014). When I initially thought about going to college, I was fifty years old. The truth is I am a License Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC), and have been in the counseling field for about eighteen years at the time. My manager and I were completing my annual review I was told without a degree my salary could not increase. My first thought was I am too old attended college. My manager educate me on something I was not aware, they could take my license however, my degree cannot. That did change the fears of returning to school since it had been thirty two years.
Walking through my fears and …show more content…
My mother would say you are getting your midriff. She also taught me that the body change every ten years and that life begins at forty. The truth is that also when the health problem started showing up, eye glasses was the first subtle change in life I woke up morning needed glasses. After reviewing this chart, I realized that my stress level is very high which and is affecting my health. Not only is your health important physically it is equally more so for me mentally. My job is highly stressful and because it's time to take a better look over a healthy well- being mentally, physically and …show more content…
There has been so many new awaken that only middle adulthood could have prepared for me. One is understanding make sure the people in my life have a value or a purpose if they do not quick replace them we people who do. Find something to laugh about everyday at least laugh yourself one time. Where a spot on your clothes every now then be okay with not being perfect. Before you die hug a tree it need one. Do a random act of kindness to child that look a little different, make him/her feel special that day. The beauty of middle adulthood is understand a great relationship with God this was my