As I sat in the room, it was comfortable. There was a fire place to my left, a huge glass window behind me, pictures on the wall of rainforests and baby animals and two very comfortable sofa seats. There was a slight smell, an aroma of lavender, a candle burning in the corner and the perfect sound of silence. As I waited in the counselor’s room, my heart began to race, my palms became sweaty and I could feel the anxiety. The door swung open, the sight of a large shadow became obvious and the sound of her voice was clear. “Good morning Alison” she said “My name is Julie and today I don’t want you to worry about anything that is said in this room, everything is totally confidential” I sat back in
As I sat in the room, it was comfortable. There was a fire place to my left, a huge glass window behind me, pictures on the wall of rainforests and baby animals and two very comfortable sofa seats. There was a slight smell, an aroma of lavender, a candle burning in the corner and the perfect sound of silence. As I waited in the counselor’s room, my heart began to race, my palms became sweaty and I could feel the anxiety. The door swung open, the sight of a large shadow became obvious and the sound of her voice was clear. “Good morning Alison” she said “My name is Julie and today I don’t want you to worry about anything that is said in this room, everything is totally confidential” I sat back in