The above mentioned article reviews about the key finding of a marketing research done by Corporate Executive Board regarding the relation between consumer behaviors, brand loyalty and marketers. From the research, they found that in the effort of creating loyal customers, marketers by using holistic marketing strategy giving a lot of overwhelming information until pushing away the customers. Businesses misjudge what consumers want until make the consumers forgo the purchase of the product or brand altogether. On the other hand what customers want from marketers is simplicity.
From the article, we can concluded that if companies want their customers to be “sticky” which is likely to have a strong intention to purchase, and repeatedly using of the product followed by recommending about the brand to others , the best method is marketers must simplify consumers’ decision making and help them throughout the purchase journey. Marketers should effectively use the simplify decision making strategy in three tactics. Firstly marketers should guide the consumers by minimizing the information sources about the product. What customer’s expectation is a simple, detailed exchange about the pros and cons of the product and how it would make the consumer’s life easy. Secondly businesses should build the trust, not about the brand but about the trusting about the information given The recommendation by adviser should be a honest, creditable and trustworthy, personalized guidance rather than promoting the brand extensively. Finally marketers should allow consumers to weigh their choices confidently. Consumers should be able to weigh the features of the products and able to feel that their purchase option is the “best choice”.
The researchers found that one of the companies that managed to integrate the above mentioned strategies in marketing organization is Intuit Inc. The company incorporated in US