
To Kill A Mockingbird Gender Analysis

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Bear Matthews
January 7th, 2016
Basalt High School
Ms. Wagner
Gender Roles in To Kill a Mockingbird

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee surreptitiously investigated ethnic and class-based problems that delved into gender responsibilities. First, Harper Lee chose the name Scout, which unquestionably transcends both boys and girls. Scout then metamorphoses, although symbolically, from being a girl to a boy and then returning to her female role. In doing so, she imbues the social-cultural strata of her society, leaving leaders gasping for more. Quintessentially, Harper Lee uses gender voids to explain the women's liberation efforts that took place in later societies. This is seen in Harper Lee’s, Go Set A Watchman, the sequel to TKAM. The character Harper Lee uses most through the theme of gender roles is Scout as seen below.
I was not so sure, but Jem told me I was being a girl, that girls always imagined things, that's why other people hated them so, and if I started behaving like one I could just go off and find some to play with. Chapter 4, Para. 119
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Rather, she prefers a boyish way of being, along with games, and fights. This is not expected of her in this society (Allegory). Since the death of her mother, it would seem that Scout lost touch with her society's expectations of her and would rather juggle from one corner to the other, eventually challenging dominant gender roles. (Lee, 51) However, she was not entirely spiteful towards her accomplices, but only debased those she felt owned a false demeanor, alike Aunt Alexandra. Together and with her friends, Alexandra looked down upon underprivileged, or black people, whom they considered ‘rubbish’ which made her embody the feelings inherent in the broader society. Indeed, this was their female role as expressed by Harper

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