Chapter 8- Chapter eight takes place in a small town by the name of Maycomb, Alabama. For the first time in four years Maycomb is having a real winter with snow constantly falling. When the snow first started falling Scout nearly died. She thought the world was going to end. However Atticus confirmed it was just snow. One sad thing that happens in chapter eight is good old Mrs. Radley passes during the beginning of winter months. In chapter eight the children enjoy playing outside despite the cold temperatures. The craziest thing that happened in chapter eight was Miss. Maudie's house burnt down through fire. It was a crazy event at that time in Maycomb. These were some of the main events that took place in chapter eight.…
To Kill a Mockingbird has multiple major themes that are outcomes of significant scenes throughout the book. One of the most well-known scene is the trial scene where Tom Robinson is found guilty for a crime he did not commit. Because Scout and Jem were at the trial, the verdict deeply affected their view on the goodness of the people of Maycomb. Lee throughout the novel explores the concept of human morality, the inherent goodness or malevolence of people and how it can have a positive or negative affect on people. Lee achieves this through the coming of age and development of Jem and Scout, and through the effect that human morality has on the characterization of the mockingbirds, Boo Radley…
Sticking up for others is a big part in courage. Many people may be scared or afraid for standing up for someone, but Atticus was not. Atticus got chosen to defend Tom Robinson (Lee, 75). Most white lawyers would not defend a black man like Atticus did. Atticus was fine with him being chosen to defend Tom. By Atticus taking this case, he…
Being an adept lawyer, Judge John Taylor gave Atticus the choice to defend a black man named Tom Robinson. For Atticus, making that choice would have taken a staggering amount of courage because he would be defending a black man against a white family and therefore would have no chance of winning the case. In addition, he would give the people of Maycomb a chance to ridicule him for going against their natural practices. Also, Atticus knew that not only himself, but his family would face hardships because of him taking the trial, which could have made the decision even harder to make. However, in the end, Atticus did the righteous thing and took the trial because he knew that if he did not, it would be impossible to hold his head high knowing he made such an appalling choice exclusively based on the fact that the defendant was black. As Atticus explained his final choice to his daughter, she asked him if he thought he might win, and his response was “No, honey … Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started.”(Lee, 101) and this shows that he knew that he had no chance of winning, but he took the trial anyhow, in turn jeopardizing his current social status and even the safety of his own children, solely in order to teach them the wrongness of being a prejudiced person. Doing so, he showed great courage that resonates with the reader throughout the book. However, Atticus is not the only adult forced to show courage in relation to the trial. Defendant Tom Robinson also shows an immense collection of courage through the course of the trial and the…
Atticus Finch, stood by Tom Robinson for a year because it was the right thing to do, even though everyone in the community said it was wrong, “Scout, simply by the nature of work, every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally. This one’s , mine i guess” (Lee, 101). Atticus takes this case into a deep emotion knowing how the community and family…
“The Help” and “To kill a Mockingbird” are two astonishing reads. These novels are a must read…
He shows this by defending Tom Robinson, a black man, in court. When Atticus is explainging to his children why he chose to defend him, he says “...Tom Robinson's case, is something that goes to the essance of a mans consience- Scout, I couldnt go to church and worship god if I didnt try and help that man.” Lastley, Atticus shows courage by raising his children to be non-biest, and teaching them to grow up treating everyone equilly. “Why reasonable people go mad when involving a negro is something I dont pretend to…
What is courage? According to, courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain etc., without fear; bravery. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, both Atticus and Boo Radley are both courageous through the challenges they are faced with. Both of these men are citizens of Maycomb and create change within their town. Although Atticus and Boo Radley are very different people, they prove to be similar through their acts of courage. Though their acts of courage are similar, they both generate change to different aspects of their lives. Both men change things through their acts of courage, but the changes are drastically different. Atticus’ courage is a long term change, and it will help Maycomb see African Americans as equals and not as inferiors. Boo’s change on their other hand, will be more of a lesson that teaches not to judge a book by its cover.…
As most people have read the novel “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, many have wondered, what contributes most to the story’s themes? Well, throughout the novel, there are three main literary elements that come into play. In the passage “‘It ain’t right, Atticus…”’(pg.284) to “I looked up, and his face was vehement”(pg.296), Harper Lee uses the literary element character, setting, and tone to develop the theme that recognizing perspectives contributes to coming of age. As many other themes in the novel, the theme will show a change in how Jem starts to view the world, and the major roles included in it, such as racism. But his perspective comes mostly from the kind of character he is.…
In To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem demonstrates moral growth by understanding the way society works. Boo Radley never wants to come outside of his house, but then he starts to realize that Jem and Scout are in danger, and also that the community he lives in is never going change. After that he decides to come outside and to come to the kids’ rescue. Jem says, “Scout, I think I'm beginning to understand something. I think I'm beginning to understand why Boo Radley's stayed shut up in the house all this time... it's because he wants to stay inside."(Pg. 259) Here, Jem realizes there is not one reason that stops Boo from coming outside, it is just because he wants to. This passage sticks out to one because one of the main characters has an aha moment…
For a younger character, like Scout, courage is most often associated with a physical act that is usually dangerous. It is hard for young children like that to realize that greater courage can be shown in other aspects of life. Scout sees an example of courage in her father when he shoots the mad dog. Although Atticus does not think of it as very courageous, Jem and Scout are proud of their father and the courage he showed in the dangerous situation. Atticus knows that the dog did not stand a chance; it was delirious so therefore could not think straight. In addition, he was holding a gun; the odds were stacked too highly on his side for his liking. He was not trying to prove a point, he was merely fulfilling his civic duty, yet they were still…
Throughout the story of To Kill a Mockingbird the theme of real courage was portrayed multiple times. Two characters in particular embody this theme, and provide many examples of what real courage truly is. The first character that possess real courage is Scout’s father, Atticus. Atticus is fearless and courageous for taking on the case of Tom Robinson. He knew that the odds were stacked against him. Regardless he tried anyway because he was going to fight for what was right, even if he was the only one. When asked by Scout why he took the case Atticus replied, “For a number of reasons. The main one is, if I didn’t I couldn’t hold up my head in town. I could not represent this county in the legislature, I could not even tell you or Jem not…
Have you ever caught yourself reading a book and wondering what a certain character portrays? While reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the topic of courage sprang upon the discussion. Courage to Atticus FInch is “When you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” Although facing massive struggles, Atticus displays the most courage throughout the book, when he faces obstacles that stand in his way in order to set the correct examples for his children.…
In To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee illustrates determination through Atticus Finch’s ability to do what is right at all costs because he wants to set good examples. First of all, Atticus defends those who aren’t able to speak for themselves or for those who aren’t understood. Evidence of this assertion from the book is, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view-until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”- (pg. 39) Atticus defended Miss Caroline when Scout told him about Burris Ewell; Atticus told Scout to look at things from Miss Caroline’s perspective. Atticus knew that people shouldn’t tease Arthur Radley, so Atticus made sure his children didn’t make fun of Arthur. Atticus defended Mrs. Dubose and explained to Jem how she was the bravest person he ever knew. Second of all, Atticus accepts the trial of Tom Robinson even though the town is against him. Evidence of this second assertion is, “This case, Tom Robinson’s case, is something that goes to the essence of a man’s conscience-Scout, I couldn’t go to church and worship God if I didn’t try to help that man.”- (pg. 139) Although Atticus knew that Tom Robinson was going to be guilty, Atticus still wanted to defend him. If Atticus couldn’t hold up his head in town, Atticus couldn’t represent this county in the legislature. He couldn’t even tell Scout or Jem not to do something again because Atticus could never ask them to mind him again. The town was against Atticus for defending a black man, but Atticus didn’t cave into the negative comments they were saying about him. When taking the case of Tom Robinson, Atticus took the responsibilities of protecting Tom. One of the times when Atticus protected Tom was when Atticus sat outside the jail late at night with a gun to protect Tom. Last of all, Atticus makes wise choices in regards to his children. Here are two evidences of this last assertion. “You might hear some ugly talk about it at school, but do one…
One of Atticus’ courageous acts is when he defends Tom fairly even though many people in town are very prejudiced about the situation. Atticus says to Scout that, ‘ “...every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally. This one’s mines, I guess. You might hear some ugly talk about it at school…” ’ (Lee 101). The next day Cecil approaches Scout and says, ‘ “My folks said your daddy was a disgrace an’ that nigger oughta hang from the water-tank!” ’ ( 102). Afterwards when Jem left to help Mrs. Dubose, Scout and Atticus began talking. Then Atticus said, ‘ “...Scout, I couldn’t go to church and worship God if I didn’t try to help that man.” ’ (139). Fortitude is show when plenty of people in Maycomb oppose the idea of Atticus defending Tom with fairness. Atticus shows his boldness when he still defends Tom Robinson with fairness even though he is risking his reputation. Atticus’ courage is obviously shown in his capability to defend and support Tom despite what many in Maycomb County say, and even risking his reputation. Not only does Atticus show courage when he is bold, but also courage shows when he’s coerced to show his…