Maycomb’s streets are safe again after “One-Shot Finch” shoots a rabid dog. Sheriff Heck Tate and Atticus Finch responded to a call from the Finches’ housekeeper, that there was a mad dog on the loose. Arriving together, Finch and Tate recognized Tim Johnson, Harry Johnson’s dog, weaving down the street in front of the Radley home. At Sheriff Tate’s urging, Atticus Finch took the kill shot, ending the crisis. Jeremy Finch was the first to sight Tim Robinson as he was coming down the street. He told the reporter, “I could see right away that something was wrong with the dog. I made my sister come home with me to tell Calpurnia.” Jean Louise “Scout” Finch confirmed her brother’s story: “ I thought Jem was being silly, there ain’t supposed to be no mad dogs in February.” After the sighting, the two children hurried to their home where they told their housekeeper, Calpurnia, what they had seen. Calpurnia recognized the dog was indeed rabid when she saw him, “ I thought them children were fooling me, but when I seen that dog, I got them children in the house right fast and called Mr. Finch.” Calpurnia’s quick responses potentially saved many people. After she called Mr. Finch, she had the phone operator, Miss Kelsey May, alert everyone on the street about the mad dog, advising them to stay in their homes. Calpurnia even risked her own life to alert the Radleys, who had no phone, by running to their house to warn them. Sheriff Heck Tate and Atticus Finch arrived at the Finch house moments after Calpurnia had warned the neighbors. Sheriff Tate recognized the dog was rabid right…
Ms. Jean Louis, her brother and Dill were walking home. When asked what they were doing, they stated “we were looking for things to shoot with our air rifles. As we were walking down the street we saw Tim Johnson looking crazy mad.” According to witnesses he did not look well. The children ran home to tell Calpurnia. When they told her what was going on, she got on the phone and told the operator, “Tell everyone to stay inside and lock the doors.” Heck Tate and Atticus Finch drove to the house to see what was going on. According to Heck, the dog could barely walk. Jean Louis stated “I have never seen Atticus shoot a gun, because of his blind eye. I had not known when Atticus was younger; his nickname was ‘one shot…
The Mad Dog: Tim Johnson was a dog infected with rabies that needed to be put down. The dog is a symbol of racism in the novel. Racism is getting out of control (just like the dog), and it needs to be put to a stop. Atticus shoots the dog to put him down but racism is a harder challenge to try and defeat. Atticus has to do things he doesn’t want to, like killing a dog and facing the court room.…
Tom Robinson, one of the main characters in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, is accused of raping Mayella Ewell, daughter of Bob Ewell, and is taken to court. Atticus Finch, father of Jean Louise Finch and Jeremy Finch, is appointed as Tom Robinson’s lawyer by Judge Taylor due to his experience and wit. Mr. Gilmor is the prosecuting lawyer and is chosen as Mayella/Bob Ewell’s attorney. Whilst the court case is happening Reverend Sykes,…
Atticus Finch was Mr Robinson’s lawyer, and during the trial he pointed out a few things that were evident and proved Mr Robinson’s innocence. Miss Mayella Ewell claims that Tom Robinson came into her house and suddenly jumped on her - attacked her, grabbed her by the throat, punched her right eye and raped her. Mr Finch of course did not believe a word by Miss Mayella or the two witnesses, who were her father Mr Bob Ewell and sheriff of the county Mr Heck Tate, of whom Atticus claimed that their…
by Harper Lee, Atticus showed in multiple places how he was a leader and also how he could have been a "nigger lover". For a small town like Maycomb, there wasn't a lot of neighborly friendship going on; between Boo Radley, and the mysterious minds of Scout and Jem, the town was in circles. The mad dog in the story was a symbol of many different things, it was a symbol of the town and how at times the town could be against each other at all odds. From the incident with the mad dog, Scout and Jem Finch learn that their father can be a man of action and not just a old man as they think he is, that he is a balanced and fair man, and that they should appreciate their father because they learn of his hidden talents and principles.…
Atticus shoots the dog, Jem and Scout get the idea that their father is ‘’the deadest shot in…
Maycomb relies on Atticus throughout the story; the first clear incident is the mad dog appearance. Heck Tate says, ““Take him, Mr. Finch”… [and] handed the rifle to Atticus” (95). This quote symbolizes the towns’ people handing their problem to Atticus to solve. However, Mr. Finch is not able to follow in the town’s footsteps as they conform to racial segregation. He ignores their crude remarks such as, “Scout Finchs daddy defends niggers” (76) and agrees to stick up for Tom Robinson, a black man, in court. His decision soon puts him in the position to receive scorn from Maycomb citizens. Even though Tom does not win the case Atticus succeeds in “send[ing] forth a ripple of hope” and “making a step---it’s just a baby-step, but it’s a step” (216).…
The people throughout Maycomb see Atticus’s integrity and respect. Miss Maudie explains to scout and Jem how “Atticus Finch is the same behind the doors of his house as he is on the public streets” (Lee 52). Maudie views Atticus as a man with…
Atticus Finch, stood by Tom Robinson for a year because it was the right thing to do, even though everyone in the community said it was wrong, “Scout, simply by the nature of work, every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally. This one’s , mine i guess” (Lee, 101). Atticus takes this case into a deep emotion knowing how the community and family…
Aunt Alexandra tells Jem and Scout they have to act like Finches. Initially, Atticus agrees with her, but says differently while he puts his children to bed, that “I don’t want you to remember it. Forget it.” (178). Atticus doesn’t want himself or his kids to act like the rest of their family. He likes everyone to think for themselves and be their own person. Again, Atticus is genuine when Heck is telling Atticus that Jem did not kill Bob Ewell, but in his shock, Atticus doesn’t believe him and thinks Tate is trying to cover up what Jem did. Atticus tells Mr. Tate that, “I don’t live that way.” (365). Atticus is an honest person, and he always tries to be honest and outright. He doesn’t act different around certain people or in certain social settings. As the Finches’ neighbor Miss Maudie Atkinson says, “Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets.” (61).…
Tom Robinson, he was shot 17 times for trying to escape. At the trial the judge did not think Tom was guilty, but that did not matter because it’s white over black. Calpurnia is the Finches house keeper, mother figure and disciplinarian in the house hold. Alexandra was not a fond of her. Cruelty was shown to her from Alexandra. Boo Radley, also known as Arthur, six-and-a-half feet tall. Talking about Boo gave the kids the thrill as telling a scary story around a campfire. The quote above touches on the idea that, without reason, humans are often unnecessarily cruel to one another…
A mockingbird is someone that is innocent and does no harm, with the exception of fear. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, she has many mockingbirds in her story, but she has just as many defenders of mockingbirds too. Atticus Finch, a lawyer of Macomb defends people for a living, but he is also a nice man who sees the good in every person he meets. His children, Jem and Scout Finch, see the innocence in their father and when times are tough they protect him as much as they can. Judge Taylor, ,the local judge of Maycomb, is a white man who helps an innocent black man. Mayella Ewell, a low class resident of Maycomb makes the wrong decisions in life, but they are almost always driven by the fear of her father. Boo Radley, the basket case of Maycomb, harassed with negative words by other townspeople, but he never lets that…
Atticus had a great talent of being able use a gun very well. However, Atticus had no attention in the kids knowing that he was know as “one shot Finch”. When the dog came into town he had no other decision than to shoot and kill the dog to save the kids and the town. Scout explains, “In a fog, Jem and I watched our father take the gun and walk into the middle of the street… Jem was paralyzed, I pinched him to get him moving but then atticus saw us coming he called, “Stay where you are,”... “What's the matter with you, Boy can't you talk?” said Mr. Tate, grinning at Jem. “Didn't you know your daddy's-” “Hush Heck,” said Atticus. Jem sat in numb confusion” (Lee, 128). Atticus shows great courage by pulling out his talents when he didn't want the kids to know about it. However as a father he had to save the kids from any harm. Atticus hit the dog in one shot, but he makes it seem like it is no big deal and doesn't want anyone talking or seeing him any different. Atticus doesn't want the kids thinking he is so great because of that, rather having the kids think that he is a great person and doing it because of that. All in all, Atticus shows courage by shooting the dog in front of all the people when he really didn't want this coming back up when it didn't have…