New right are a group of Conservatives where views diverge from those of traditional conservatives. New right came famous under the rule of Margaret Thatcher who was Prime Minister from 1979-1990 and they are known for having very right-winged policies. To me, David Cameron is a New Right leader and in this essay there will be reasons on why I personally believe that David Cameron is actually a New Right leader
The Conservative Party has always been Eurosceptic, most conservatives (not all of the members though) are suspicious of the power and activities of the European Union. Britain pumps into the EU more money than we get out of it and it does not benefit us whatsoever. As a result of this belief, one of Britain’s official policies is not to join the Euro currency and it remains being the only country in the European Union that has the Great British Pound (the only country in the world to be exact). This links to the New Right as because the UK is puts so much money into the EU, it is not beneficial whatsoever and does not serve in UK’s best interest. This is Economic patriotism which falls under neo-conservatism which is one of the two parts of the New Right. Due to the crisis with the Eurozone, most conservatives’ beliefs about not joining the EU have been reinforced.
Iain Duncan Smith – the Works & Pensions Secretary and a former leader of the party decided to cut benefits and also has introduced the “Welfare Reform Bill” which has made it harder for any single family to claim a certain amount of Benefits. Iain Duncan Smith said that the current payment of benefits is supporting “dysfunctional behaviour”, and for some families the notion of taking a job is a ‘mug’s game’. Due to the benefits some people receive they do not make an effort to find a job and work and this is causing an increase in the dependency culture (a culture where the children will see their parents living off