- Key Ideas
- Sustainable development
- The building of environmentally damaging infrastructure, and coral bleaching due to tourism. + Introduction of eco-friendly camping in the game reserve with tents and locally sourced food.
-Managing the environment to ensure I’s available for future generations
-Economic development
(Increasing urbanisation and bigger income due to tourism based employment specifically Mombasa in Kenya.)
The Maasai Mara tribe
The Maasai tribe have lived on the lands now known as the Maasai Mara game reserve for generations. Their culture, customs, and way of life remained very much unspoiled until the increase of tourism and global communication from the nineteenth century through to the twentieth. The creation of the game reserve and safari in Kenya is now a well desirable tourist attraction attracting millions of people to stay on the grounds and going on tours to see the wildlife in their natural environment. Tourists also are attracted by the opportunity to meet the Maasai tribe but because of this it is evident that the Maasai culture and traditional customs have been damaged severely.
In the creation of the game reserve, major tourist corporations who have developed the reserve were forced to move the Maasai tribe, their cattle, family and possessions out of their traditional land and onto the borderlines of the reserve. The newly built tourist facilities sometimes employ locals including residents of the Maasai tribe but pay a small fraction of what overseas employees would earn. This shows that major companies feel no remorse, and will continue to exploit the local people whilst taking their homeland and tampering with the environment and their way of life purely for profit. This can have extremely negative effects upon the local community. If members of the Maasai tribe were educated and trained to work within the