First, the Stamp Act of 1765 was one of the acts that led to great conflict. This act stated that colonists had to pay for an official stamp, or seal, when they brought paper items. The tax had to be paid on legal documents, licenses, newspapers, pamphlets, and even playing cards. Colonists who refused to buy stamps would be fined or sent to jail. This Act led to conflict because the colonists saw it as the British leaders being greedy. Many protests started after.
Next, the Townshend Act was another act that colonists failed to agree on. The Townshend Act was a duty placed on glass, lead, paper, and tea. To enforce the Townshend act, British officials used writs of assistance. These allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled goods. It led to conflict because the Colonists hated how they took power away from the colonial government. The colonists boycotted many British goods. Tax collectors in …show more content…
The Boston Massacre happened on March 5, 1770 in Boston, Massachusetts. This event was important because it showed the major impacts on the relationship between the British and the Colonists. The cause of this event was that many Bostonians saw the presence of British troops as a threat. A lone British guard standing guard was having an argument with a colonist and then struck him. This led to a crowd gathering around the soldier and throwing snowballs and calling him insults. Soon, a small number of troops arrived. And then the British started to shoot at the