An important key event for the Dutch East Indies during this time, were the spice Islands/trade. Merchants from the Middle East and China had decided to come to the Dutch East Indies, trading many items such as silk, perfume, opium and incense. Spices were extremely valuable during that time, like gold is today; spices were as precious as that.
But not all was good, in 1580 the trade was interrupted due to the Spanish closing the port of Lisbon to the Dutch-making it impossible for trade to happen. However the Dutch East India Company was establish in 1602. A year later after establishing its first trading post at Banten – on the island of Java, shortly after becoming the world’s first multinational company.
One of Japans key events was the ‘Closed CountryPolicy’ which made a big impact against the foreigners causing restrictions on Japan to not let foreigners to enter for two centuries. It wasn’t just that, which caused problems with Japan. Back in 1603 a powerful daimyo named Tokugawa Ieyasu who was declared to be shogun and for the next two and a half centuries his descendants also took the name to be the shogun, this made a difference in the feudal society. …show more content…
Occasionally they would take part in local affairs to increase production on the Bandas Islands. Using their knowledge they would replace the local population with slaves from all over such - East Africa, Japan and India to grow nutmeg as this was a main source during this time that could only be grown in certain areas.
This meant that the rate of profit jumped up from several hundred to several thousand percent, a massive positive for the investors back in who were very happy. The Dutch East Indies would trade. Many items such as perfume, silk, opium and incense – spics were extremely valuable and precious at that time, so it meant a lot to them, like gold is today, spices were as precious as