Complete with one map per SPICE category
ETAHAST: Events that are happening at the same time
Map: shows the movement of slaves through transatlantic slave trade.
Guns and alcohol are imported into native american societies. Firearms and alcohol largely disrupted the native american communities. Firearms made warfare among tribes far more deadly.
Alcohol caused youn men to become more troublesome.
Both of them overall disrupted the social structure. Potosi becomes largest city in the
Americas, China demanded taxes be paid in silver.
mid 16th century
Rich silver deposits found in
Silver trade gave birth to social interaction throughout the world.
Foreigners began to obtain more of
China’s silks and porcelains. Silver helped pay for
African slaves and spices. Little Ice Age occurred causing an increase in fur trade,
Spain lost its earlier position as dominant western European power. 1450 to 1750
diffusion of
The diffusion of
Buddhism is significant because it led to radical changes in gender relationships as well as family structure.
The role of women greatly improved as they were allowed the role of nuns.
Many people perish from european diseases such as small poxand influenza. Missionaries try to convert Chinese.
More Social (Yunuen) Date
early 17th century
Dutch East Trading The Dutch East
Co. takes over
Trading Company,
one of the leading
East India Sea trade companies monopolized sugar in the early 17th century. They seized the spice islands using bloodshed and destruction of
“inferior” native societies. They took control of the production of nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, and mace. Due to this, the Dutch profits skyrocketed and they had a strong centralized control over the Indonesian islands, and were also strategically