Every child should feel secure and valued no matter of their culture, abilities, sex or race and your interactions with the child or young person should demonstrate this at all times. It is important you establish these ground rules and mutual respect right from the beginning, as well as discuss the factors with the pupils that are important when working together. It is crucial that you start by talking about how you…
As children slowly learn how to respect you, it should help to develop how they communicate with others. It allows them to develop and reach their maximum potential as they learn how to exchange information.…
This culture has become more reasonable than ever, making sure every individual is treated fairly whether or not that is a positive thing. Children need to be treated unfairly in order to learn what fairness is. Today’s culture may be relying too much on reason and not enough on the possibilities of other truths, similar to Psyche’s situation. Many people used to believe in life after death in order to comfort themselves, but in today’s world they think like The Fox; “’At death we are resolved into our elements’” (17). Reason is no longer used today for comfort and usefulness, but as a way to explain the world. Its consequence of today’s culture on its sole reliance on reason has stunted the progress of the world and relationships between human…
Showing Respect:- It is important to be courteous and respectful and also to listen to their points of views. As adults and children come from different cultures and backgrounds or different values from your own, show respect and acknowledge…
3.5 I encourage children and young people to try and deal with issues and conflict themselves, by mentoring them so that they know right from wrong and are therefore able to make the correct choices. If a situation arises where children disagree then I try to allow them time to discuss their opinions and come to a mutual agreement that is suitable and appropriate to both sides. Making sure that the children have the opportunity to express their emotions using a calm and measured approach. Allowing the children to discuss various ways that they could solve their problem or issue and finding a resolution using the best way forward to do this. One way of getting this message across to children could be by reading a story book that involves a conflict between people but is ultimately resolved with a positive outcome.…
It is so important to apply the boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour because it brings consistently to the class/school.…
Which of the following things challenge stereotypes and confront discrimination? Sort the items below into the correct columns using this table.…
By recognising and understanding our individual differences and embracing those with simple tolerance create a productive environment in which everybody feels valued.…
3.3 Help children and young people to understand and respect other people’s feelings and points of…
need to be treated with warmth and respect. One major emerging trend in the childcare…
As the children grow up they tend to do things that other children do, being influenced, and starting to hide stuff from their parents. Sometime children are really aggressive because they didn't get what they wanted so they start to abuse the other children or young people. Sometime it is just that they think that everyone else doesn't know what is good for him/her so they just want to do their own choice, but they don't know always was is good for them so they end up doing bad things, like smoking, drinking, drugging, etc. which is going to affect them maybe for all their lives. Personal choices made as a child and young adult effect nearly every aspect of life. From education to family planning - poor choices can lead to poverty and few opportunities, while good choices can open up a world of possibilities. Family experience as a child can very much play a role, but young adults are fully capable of taking responsibility for the life choices they make. In accordance with Article 13 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child, the outcomes of the Governments Every Child Matters framework and the Early Years Foundation Stage, children should be provisioned for by ensuring that children are involved and engaged with, allowing them to be heard, to make decisions, contribute their experiences and be supported and safeguarded throughout their development. According to Tassoni (2010) the EYFS clearly states that a curriculum for children under five years should be balanced of adult-led and child-initiated activities; an environment needs to be rich in resources and displayed in such a way that the children can determine their own play. . An early years setting should encourage healthy snacks and encourage parents to supply healthy balanced lunchboxes. The setting should involve the children in activities and discussions about the importance of…
Rigid and divisive views from adults can be reflected in a child’s choice of language and expressed beliefs about groups in society. Children soak up all information given to them and to atmospheres and climates surrounding them. The school must make sure that the children are surrounded with positive messages about their peers and their own importance in society.…
This writer believes that the case reviewed should have been handled in a different manner and that the police should have never been involved. The student was inspired to be creative and use science skills to create a rocket, he was not intending to harm anyone and probably wanted to show teachers and friends. For using his imagination he was invited to a rocket workshop, yet lost school…
In order to keep speech truly free in the world, it is imperative to educate, especially the youth, what true freedom of speech actually is and stress the importance of it through encouraging acceptance and tolerance of race, religion, political and moral views, and any other differences that others possess. The education of the youth on the subject matter of accepting others for their differences is of the utmost importance due to how impressionable children are. When children grow up in a negative environment, they are more likely to regurgitate that negativity the rest of their lives and the same can be said with a positive environment. In order to create a better future that yields less racism, discrimination, and hatred, the youth must be properly taught that discrimination is wrong and must not be…
-Helping children see differences in a positive way – as interesting and enriching to all our lives – and develop positive and respectful towards:…