Discuss this view with reference to your prescribed text and at least ONE other text of your own choosing.
The ‘Into the World’ concept invariably involves transitions into new phases, the venturing into new worlds and experiences in order to attain growth, maturation and internal progression. This concept is undoubtedly evident within J C Burke’s novel “The Story of Tom Brennan”, the June 2003 Who Australian Weekly feature article “Into Africa” and Michael Leunig’s animation “The Egg”. Through the use of a sophisticated array of techniques the composers are able to maintain high levels of authenticity throughout the duration of the texts, ultimately stimulating a more powerful response upon the audience whilst portraying the underlying notion that the experience of moving into the world can challenge an individual’s attitudes and beliefs.
The three texts implicitly demonstrate the inevitable reality that individuals must leave behind short term comforts and the safety provided by the old world in order to satisfy unmet inner desires. Burke cleverly depicts this concept through the symbolic gesture of the Brennans “Closing the front door of their home for the last time.” Through the use of precise timing, “4.30 am on Friday the 23rd of January,” coupled with the first person narrative allows a reflective and melancholic tone to be established, reinforcing this concept of sacrifice of the status quo. The fact that Tom was forcibly removed from his old world (Mumbilli) hints that he has left behind his family and friends in order to seek a portal to a new world (Coghill). Thus the notion of sacrifice can challenge the experiences of moving into the world and change an individual’s attitudes and beliefs.
Similarly, the composer of “Into Africa” challenges an individual’s attitudes and beliefs of moving into the world by juxtaposing Gemma’s materialistic old world