the whole trail. His skin color changed the whole thing because you were never right if you were a colored man. The whole judging people by their colored affects all colored men because no matter what they say they are always lying in the eyes of white people. Everybody in the books time believed, “- that all negros lie, that all negros are basically immoral beings, that all negro men are not to be trusted around our women, an assumption one associates with minds of their caliber” (Lee 273). This quote proves that people back in the day judged people by their color. The quote says “all negros lie” which is wrong because Tom told the truth but he’s colored so they couldn’t trust him. No matter what you say or do you will be charged with whatever the judges are told if you are a colored man going against a white man.
the whole trail. His skin color changed the whole thing because you were never right if you were a colored man. The whole judging people by their colored affects all colored men because no matter what they say they are always lying in the eyes of white people. Everybody in the books time believed, “- that all negros lie, that all negros are basically immoral beings, that all negro men are not to be trusted around our women, an assumption one associates with minds of their caliber” (Lee 273). This quote proves that people back in the day judged people by their color. The quote says “all negros lie” which is wrong because Tom told the truth but he’s colored so they couldn’t trust him. No matter what you say or do you will be charged with whatever the judges are told if you are a colored man going against a white man.