He used simply objects basic objects to show an idea. The most interesting concepts were the transition between the panels. According to Scott Mc Cloud there are six panel transitions which are moment to moment , action to action , scense to secnse , aspect to aspect , and no squitter ( ) .On chapter 4 when Shape in the current moment she questioned about Carrie husband death, and there is panel back in time where Carrie says “ I love you to counsel”. She pictures that romantic moment about her husband when he is in the hospital and she was kissing him that panel was action to action. Carrie becomes bitter after her husband death because she has trouble trusting people , and she is use to being alone. Toward the end of the story there is a non-squitter is means that there is no logic in the panel. There is a moment on page ( ) when Carrie says “ cue the hallejuah chores…as a Marshall gets a clue” as reader we don’t know who said that however we believe that that is Carrie thinking out loud. In conclusion both stories had a moral which was gender power is
He used simply objects basic objects to show an idea. The most interesting concepts were the transition between the panels. According to Scott Mc Cloud there are six panel transitions which are moment to moment , action to action , scense to secnse , aspect to aspect , and no squitter ( ) .On chapter 4 when Shape in the current moment she questioned about Carrie husband death, and there is panel back in time where Carrie says “ I love you to counsel”. She pictures that romantic moment about her husband when he is in the hospital and she was kissing him that panel was action to action. Carrie becomes bitter after her husband death because she has trouble trusting people , and she is use to being alone. Toward the end of the story there is a non-squitter is means that there is no logic in the panel. There is a moment on page ( ) when Carrie says “ cue the hallejuah chores…as a Marshall gets a clue” as reader we don’t know who said that however we believe that that is Carrie thinking out loud. In conclusion both stories had a moral which was gender power is