beginning your research see if your topic is research-able by assembling bibliography of resources I plan to look at use books, periodicals, newspapers and verifiable, appropriate, and accurate to topic if an insufficient # of resources become unavailable, broaden your research or you must switch it make sure you can access all sources request interviews or write letters inquiring about topic ability to find resources utilize search tools that allow you to discover and locate resources relating to your topic use campus library to find research sources and search tools electronic resources you can use the central information system which is an online site where you can locate library's holdings, access dozens of electronic databases, and even read many sources directly on the viewing screen. 311 Finding Library Sources library may subscribe to one or more of the online reference services such as Gale, EBSCOohost, JSTOR and LexisNexis Academic, each allows you to search a variety of different databases 319 to be specific you can search the Boolean search which consist of using and, or, or not... in reference to a process of elimination to focus on your specific topic 320 you may also utilize the abstract link which is a brief summary instead of the full text or articles itself 322 determine whether articles suites your research topic, citation can also allow you to view the PDF file 324 government publications are identified by the DOC or SuDoc or you can search GPO databases which is the government sponsored online search engine
As we all know the yahoo search, msn, ask, Google varies and you can research just about anything you can also go under advanced search to better research your particular subject database material available online, portable data base is on a particular computer from a CD ROM or program online database host computer or network college has local network and pursue discussion list that consist of