Claim is a statement that youre asking the other person to accept,many people start with claims
Ex: you should use a hearing aid
Grounds/data: the basis of real persuasion made up of data and facts,plus the reasoning behind the claim
Ex:over 70% of people over 65 years have hearing difficulties
A warrant links data to a claim,legitimizes the claim by showing the grounds to be relevant
Ex: a hering aid helps most people to hear better
Backing or support:to an argument gives support to the warrant by answering different questions
Hearing aids are available locally.
Qualifier indicates the strength of the leap from the data to the warrant and may limit how universally the claim applies including words as usuualy always sometimes most
Hearing aids help MOST of people
Rebuttal : Counter-arguments or statements indicating circumstances when the general argument does not hold true
there is a support desk that deals with technical problems.
Congress should ban animal research (Claim #1) because animals are tortured in experiments that have no necessary benefit for humans such as the testing of cosmetics (Data). The well being of animals is more important than the profits of the cosmetics industry (Warrant). Only congress has the authority to make such a law (Warrant) because the corporations can simply move from state to state to avoid legal penalties (Backing). Of course, this ban should not apply to medical research (Qualifier). A law to ban all research would go too far (Rebuttal).
So, the law would probably (qualifier) have to be carefully written to define the kinds of research intended (claim #2).