In earlier days meaning of tourism was basic but now a day’s scenario is totally changed now as discussed by poon (1993) interest of tourists has diverted from popular destinations to more specific and virgin locations to meet their individual needs. These tourists are more adventurous, more experienced, travel for fun, independent and with more cash in their accounts.
Special interest tourism is new concept of tourism where there are additions in the type of tourism. Now days it is being created by different ideas and type of facility to the tourist etc. for example we can see medical tourism which is being promoted these days.
There is a complete shift from older time to new time in tourism. Earlier it was simply tourism but now it has diversified field where there are many form of tourism that is called special interest tourism. Many author has defined this term in different ways, some of them are given below:
Douglas has explained special interest tourism in his book as "A complex phenomenon characterized by flexible delivery, market segmentation and advances in technology affecting management and distribution.” (Douglas-2001).
"The search for new experiences threatens current investment and provides alternative stresses on infrastructure like roads, transport systems, existing technology and accommodation, and access to sensitive natural locations. Both public and private sectors see problems with small-scale, personalized tourism traffic. " (Douglas-2001).
Another author Douglas N.2001 has defined special interest tourism in different ways as per him special interest tourism can be defined as the provision of customized leisure and recreational experiences driven by the specific expressed interests of individual and group.
As per poon,(1997)Special interest tourism activity includes wide variety urban, regional, well-established
Bibliography: Douglas, N & Derret, R (2001), Special Interest Tourism, 2nd edition, John Wily & Sons, Singapore. Richard, J (1996), Tourism Industry, 5th edition, Oxford Publishing, London Sethi, P (1999), Heritage Tourism, 1 st edition, Anmol Publications, New Delhi Webliography