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Human Resource Development/Diversity and Inclusion/Safety and Health/Pride and Loyalty
Basic Concepts of Human Resource Development
Basic Concepts of Diversity and Inclusion
Safety and Health
Pride and Loyalty
Human Resource Development/Diversity and Inclusion/Safety and Health/Pride and Loyalty
From the beginning, Toyota has had "Continuous Improvement" and "Respect for People" as its pillars, and as its moral foundation the Toyota Way summarized in the five keywords, "Challenge," "Kaizen," "Genchi Genbutsu," "Respect" and "Teamwork." For employees, Toyota steadily promotes various measures including human resource development and healthcare so that the employees could work with confidence, vigor and enthusiasm. Also, under a labor-management relationship based on mutual trust and mutual responsibility, Toyota respects for employees' diversities such as culture, nationality, race, language, religion, gender, age or view/perspective.
Sharing Values
Stability in the lives of employees, and opportunities for self-realization and growth as well as corporate development are interdependent. They are all founded on mutual trust and respect between labor and management, long-term employment stability and open communication.
Based on this, the Toyota Way 2001 is comprised of the five key terms as shown at right: Challenge, Kaizen, Genchi Genbutsu, Respect and Teamwork under the two main pillars of "Continuous Improvement" and "Respect for People." This has been expanded to Toyota employees worldwide. Furthermore, "300,000 Person Communication Activities" that raised workplace capabilities through communication improvements has been promoted and expanded.
300,000 Communication Activity
Since FY2009, Toyota has promoted 300,000 Communication