I’m sorry to yell, I know that your teachers yell at you a lot so to have another teacher yell at you is probably not what you wanted but I just had to get your attention before you listen to Traci May’s story of how she became me and how I became her.
I’ve seen enough movies to that these type of situations are never an accident, somebody had to do this to us and I just know that it wasn’t me, so there are only two possible options: (1) Traci May thought that she would play the perfect prank on her teacher and it actually worked (2) I’m actually dreaming and in that case, things just may not be as bad it seems.
Now you’ve seen what Traci looks like, now it’s my turn to show you me. Yes, I’m really that tall …show more content…
Yes, I just said that there were probably two options but I’ve been awake and sleep twice already and I know that this was not a dream, I even tried pinching myself and well that just made me hurt.
This was our last conversation before the swap.
“Traci, please turn around in your seat” I said.
So you know what she did? She actually turned all the way around and she didn’t do it once, she did it twice. The whole class laughed and before I could even assign any homework, guess what happened?
The bell rung.
That means that nobody had homework and I really needed to give …show more content…
“Of course!” he shouted, and then he threw it over to me.
My hands played a juggling act just trying to make sure I didn’t drop the apple because apple bruises are just the absolute worse. Don’t believe me? Ask your mom or dad, it’s the brown spots.
Anyways, I have to stop getting distracted. All I can say is, as you see it was not me that started this whole swap thing. I want to be back in my adult body doing what adult people do, like watching TV, reading great books, eating healthy, going to work everyday.
Hold on.
But what if, I can just be a kid?
What if this swap may be something great?
I don’t have to wake up tomorrow morning and go to work. I can just go to school and come home to climb some trees or run over to the park and play.
No my kids in my class needs me.
But I get to be ten again, I mean who doesn’t want to be ten again, it’s a great age to be a kid.
But I know that Traci doesn’t know where I live so how did she get home all these days? She can’t drive! She’s just a kid in my body.
Well I know you have to go because she is waiting for you on the next page but as you read her story just know that this was not my fault.
I say again, this was not my