When comparing online education versus traditional education, the most important factor potential students need to analyze is their scheduling concerns. While there are numerous students who attend college directly out of high school, there is a substantial amount of college bound individuals who already have a full time job and family when they start. The author of this essay was like many other college students in that she had to withdraw from her classes on a physical campus…
In this research the author proves how the rate of dropping out is much higher than those who actually attend an in person class. According to L. Nagel et al. online courses are becoming more common but “quality and non-completion remain problems” for some students (2009). This author shows this to prove to the reader that the dropout rate is related to students who do not participate in the online classes and that participation is necessary for the completion of online courses (Klemm, 1998; Rovai & Barnum, 2003; Swan, Shea, Fredericksen, Pickett, & Plez, 2000).…
In a May 22, 2011 article "Why are so many students still failing online?" the author, Rob Jenkins, argues the difference between online and on-campus classes. There is a problem with students failing online classes, but I believe that hybrid classes should be the primary choice.…
In his 2011 article, “Reliance on Online Materials Hinders Learning Potential for Students,” David Smith attempts to build upon student’s obligated online interaction to make a case against online classes. Smith first shows how much today’s learners must use online materials by using the example of his own Alma Mater. By referencing his own experience at the University of Nebraska—Lincoln, with MyRED and EBSCO search engine, Smith lays the grounds for the focus of his argument. He then attempts to use what seem to be personal examples of experience with online coursework while begging the question through repeated examples. By failing to establish the credibility of his facts, attempting to force his own authority over the subject, and poorly organizing his thoughts, Smith fails to create a strong and compelling argument against online classes and the internet as a resource.…
More than ever, online classes are becoming a viable approach and solution for students pursuing undergraduate and secondary degrees. However, the accessibility to these classes does not guarantee all online students are receiving a quality education.…
While online classes are a part of many colleges, there is intense debate over whether they should be incorporated into high school education. The advocates of online education key in on the convenience, flexibility, self direction, cost savings, safety, creativity, pacing aspect and access to resources. Those opposed to online classes feel that online education is driven solely by budget cuts and the result is a cheaper education that has less guidance, lacks the social aspect, has accreditation issues and as a result, less beneficial to the students. Others think that blended learning which combines virtual education and face-to-face instruction is the most effective route, but possibly not the most cost effective.…
As humans continue to progress further into a digital world, more and more new college students are choosing to attend classes online. There are many causes driving the change to online classes over traditional schools.…
Algebra, Spanish, World History, Chemistry, English Literature are just some of the myriad of dishes being served on online education buffets. Students are free to pile their plates high with the sciences, the arts, the languages, and countless other subjects due to the growing trend of distance learning courses offered through the Web. Teachers, however, are becoming more dissatisfied with distance learning methods and remain adamant about face to face courses; in response to the competition between online and face to face courses, discord has erupted among teachers and their students. Ellen Laird effectively compares and contrasts the two distinct teaching ideologies and their effects on students and on teachers; Laird accomplishes her analysis of…
In “Why Are So Many Students Still Failing Online,” Rob Jenkins, professor of English at Georgia Perimeter College, brings online courses and their cons out into the open. Professor Jenkins argues in his article whether every course should be available to be taken online or if every student should be allowed to take courses online. Are the advantages that the school receives from online classes worth the failure of their students?…
Traditional classrooms allow interaction with other students and the teacher or instructor. However, in online classes, you’re only another name on the list. In a traditional classroom, if you are having a problem with the assignment or trouble understanding, you can go straight to the teacher for help. You can also ask your classmates for help if the teacher is busy. With online classes, you’d have to e-mail your teacher for help. It’s no guarantee that you’d get a reply immediately. Your teacher could be without Internet connection for a period of time. In such case, you would not be able to get your answers. You also don’t get any interaction with other students taking the same class, which can leave you stuck and on your own. The interaction that a traditional classroom has can…
It seems that technology is growing, improving, and changing at an exponential rate. Technology now affects every part of our lives from the time we get up to the time we go to bed, and even as we sleep. One of the major areas that has been affected by technology is education. At one time, the only option for students to complete their education was in a traditional classroom setting. There has become a major need for non-traditional education because there has been a growth in the amount of non-traditional students that exist in our society. The advancement of technology has recently allowed for education to be completed in an online setting instead of in a traditional classroom setting. Online education is an effective and comparable alternative to a traditional classroom setting, and it can be a great opportunity for a non-traditional student to further his or her education and become one step closer to being a successful, self-sufficient individual.…
An education paves the road to success. From high-school, college, or on-the-job training, the classroom has been the traditional setting for teaching and learning. But nowadays that is rapidly changing. With technology at an advantage, more online schooling and training is taking place of the traditional classroom. Both public and online schools have its fair shares of advantages and disadvantages, but recent research suggests that online educational benefits outweigh that of regular schools and classrooms. Students find that an online education provides less pressure, the ability to concentrate better, and avoiding negative social interactions. While all that might be true, what about the aspects they miss? Examples may be friends, positive social interactions, and building social skills? Is online education really as effective as land based education?…
Ten years ago it was estimated that there were very small number of students who were enrolled in online classes. (Lytle, 2011) Now in 2015 that number has increased to 6.7 million students. (Seaman, 2013). According to the Sloan online survey, every year there is 12.1 percent growth of online course through the US colleges and universities. (Lytle, 2011) With the increase in this kind of convenient, virtual education comes with some serious consequences. Virtual classes are a great alternative to busy moms, full time employees, or perhaps even the disabled population but it all comes with a cost. This country needs people who are capable or appropriate interactions and are bold in character to lead them into the future. Traditional campuses provide an atmosphere that forces the students to develop these needed skills. Online classes are limiting this socialization, robbing students of the opportunity to make valued memories while lowering the quality of the education and increasing the opportunity for cheating. Colleges need to consider creating well rounded generations rather than making tons of money from growing online…
Many people do not think about the positivity of online education at all. These are questions I received from friends and family members when I tell them that I am taking online classes. How can you focus with kids around? Can you really learn anything without having lectures from instructor? When I think over these questions, at first I thought I put myself into something that will end unsuccessfully. Before I began the classes, I thought there was nothing much to learn rather reading a book and write tests. When I started classes, I realized the best opportunity gain when studying online. For mother like myself, I have opportunity to stay with my children and stay at my computer desk while participating in class activities and taking care of my children at the same time. I just ask them to do something quietly so they do not distract me and they are able to understand.…
The reflection of learners or their concepts are shuttered out. Students are not engaged in a dialogue which is best for as the class is in contact session and discussion will lead to more engagement.…