{loadposition articletop} {loadposition articleleft} The term traffic volume study can be termedor simply the traffic flow survey as traffic survey
. It is defined as the procedure t
Ways of conducting Traffic Survey / Methods of Traffic Volume Study
Following are the means of conducting traffic survey: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. By Toll Plaza Ticketing Registration offices Statistical Approach By Interviewing By Check posts Modern Global Positioning Systems
Below is the detailed theory of TVS
1. Toll Plaza Ticketing:
Toll Plazas are now a day constructed for the collection of revenue from the road users. This process is very efficient for collection of revenue because many people who are using the road have to pay that thus playing an important role in the establishment of economy.
Toll Plaza may also be used for conducting the traffic survey. As every vehicle passing through it have to pay the tax and a receipt is handed over to the persons, thus in this way by calculating the no of receipts for a particular type of vehicle, it can be know that how much cars, buses, trucks and other vehicles have left the city and entered.
2. Registration Offices:
Every new vehicle has to be registered from the government when it is bought by its owner. Registration offices are located in every district level and the persons residing nearby are bound
Highway & Transportation
to register their vehicle from the prescribed office. For the purpose of conducting traffic survey, record from these offices can be taken for a particular year. Thus this record will enable us to determine the no of new vehicles entered in the roads.
However this method has some draw backs because when an old vehicle sold by a person, after that the sold vehicle, which was registered in the particular district, may move from that district to a new place.
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3. Statistical Approach:
This method is applicable when