The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare shares the archetypal love story between two lovers of opposing households. Aside from the title, Romeo and Juliet, meets the criteria of a tragedy by emphasizing the protagonists’ tragic flaw in the process of their fall. Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet falls best under phase two tragedy due to the tragedy of innocence and confusion in an adult situation.
Phase six tragedy does not apply to Romeo and Juliet because neither the protagonists act as an ‘anti-hero’. The opposite side may argue that Romeo and Juliet applies to phase five tragedy due to the lack of knowledge. However, ‘the lack of knowledge’ stems from the youths’ inexperience with any adult situation, which comes back to phase two tragedy. In addition, the hero does not fall through hubris, thus eliminating phase four tragedy. Furthermore, Romeo and Juliet does not fit phase three tragedy because …show more content…
To “die” was not the only option, had they thought to run away or tell the truth, both characters could of survived. However, they were in a state of confusion confronting the adult situation of separation and made the impulsive decision to suicide. “[Dying]” placed a permanent end as opposed to the other possible solutions to the temporary problem. Backtracking, the youths’ choice to keep the courtship and marriage a secret was also a poor decision due to their inexperience with the adult situation of love. The hidden marriage played a role in downfall of the protagonists’ because if the secret were to be revealed, then the feud between households could have been resolved as Friar Laurence hoped. An open marriage could have saved Romeo from dueling with Tybalt and from banishment. The protagonists’ confusion in an adult situation led to their downfall, befitting phase two